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  • What does HIV stand for?
    Human Immunodeficiency Virus
  • What is HIV?
    A virus that affects the immune system , and eventually leads to acquired immune deficiency syndrome
  • What is AIDS?
    A condition where the immune system deteriorates and eventually fails = someone with AIDS is more vulnerable to other infections eg pneumonia
  • What does HIV infect and eventually kill?
    helper T-cells
  • What act as host cells for the virus ?
    Helper T-cells
  • What do helper T-cells do?
    Send chemical signals that activate phagocytes, cytotoxic T-cells and B-cells
    • very important in immune response
  • Without enough helper T-cells, what is the immune system UNABLE to do?
    Mount an effective response to infections because other immune system cells do not behave how they should
  • When do people INFECTED with HIV develop AIDS?
    When the helper T-cell numbers in their body reach a CRITICALLY LOW LEVEL
  • What does HIV do during the Initial Infection Period?

    Replicates rapidly + the infected person may experience severe flu-like symptoms
  • What does HIV do after the initial infection period?
    HIV replication drops to a lower level. this is the LATENCY PERIOD
  • How long can the latency period last for?

  • What will the infected person experience during the latency period?
    no symptoms