DEVELOPER REPLENISHMENT RATE: 60-70 mL or cc / 14” film
FIXER REPLENISHMENT RATE: 100-110 mL or cc / 14” film
principal action of developing: to change the silver ions of exposed crystals into metallic silver which produces a visible image from the latent image
REDUCTION: When an electron is given up by a chemical, in this case the developing agent, to neutralize a positive ion
reducing agent: chemical responsible for reducing silver ion to metallic silver
oxidation: reaction thaat produces an electron
REDOX REACTIONS: Oxidation and reduction occur simultaneously
developing agents: phenidone and hydroquinone
Phenidone: Reducing agent; produces shades of gray rapidly
Hydroquinone: Reducing agent; produces black tones only
principal component of developing agent: hydroquinone
secondary constituents of developing agent: phenidone and metol
SYNERGISM: occurs when the action of two agents working together is greater than the sum of the action of each agent working independently
developing agents used in manual processing: metol and hydroquinone
developing agents used in automatic processing: phenidone and hydroquinone