processing chemistry

Cards (77)

  • wetting: swells the emulsion to permit subsequent chemical penetration
  • developing: produces a visible image from the latent image
  • rinsing in stop bath: terminates development and removes excess chemical from emulsion
  • fixing: removes remaining silver halide from emulsion and hardens gelatin
  • washing: removes excess chemicals
  • drying: removes water and prepares radiograph for viewing
  • approx time for wetting in manual processing: 15 seconds
  • approx time for developing in manual and automatic processing respectively: 5 minutes, 22 seconds
  • approx time fro rinsing in stop bath for manual processing: 30 seconds
  • approx time for fixing for manual and automatic processor respectively: 15 minutes, 22 seconds
  • approx time for washing for manual and automatic processor respectively: 20 minutes, 20 seconds
  • approx time for drying for manual and automatic processor respectively: 30 minutes, 26 seconds
  • FILM PROCESSING: Refers to the series of steps that converts the latent image into the visible radiographic image
  • In handing the different Processing Chemistry:
    1. Wear a proper mask that reduces inhalation of fumes.
    2. Wear nitrile gloves (do not use surgical gloves)
    3. Wear protective glasses (prevent chemical splashing into the eyes)
  • pH level for all solutions: 0-14
  • pH level for Developer: 10-10.5
  • pH level for Fixer: 4-4.5
  • Developer Temperature: 95-100F / 35- 38C
  • Fixer Temperature: appx 94F
  • Water Temperature: appx 94F
  • Automatic processor; Dryer temperature: 120-150F (2.5kW)
  • REPLENISHMENT RATE: amount of solution per tank
  • DEVELOPER REPLENISHMENT RATE: 60-70 mL or cc / 14” film
  • FIXER REPLENISHMENT RATE: 100-110 mL or cc / 14” film
  • principal action of developing: to change the silver ions of exposed crystals into metallic silver which produces a visible image from the latent image
  • REDUCTION: When an electron is given up by a chemical, in this case the developing agent, to neutralize a positive ion
  • reducing agent: chemical responsible for reducing silver ion to metallic silver
  • oxidation: reaction thaat produces an electron
  • REDOX REACTIONS: Oxidation and reduction occur simultaneously
  • developing agents: phenidone and hydroquinone
  • Phenidone: Reducing agent; produces shades of gray rapidly
  • Hydroquinone: Reducing agent; produces black tones only
    • principal component of developing agent: hydroquinone
  • secondary constituents of developing agent: phenidone and metol
  • SYNERGISM: occurs when the action of two agents working together is greater than the sum of the action of each agent working independently
  • developing agents used in manual processing: metol and hydroquinone
  • developing agents used in automatic processing: phenidone and hydroquinone
  • Sodium Carbonate: helps swell gelatin; produces alkalinity; controls pH
  • The developer contains alkali compounds, such as sodium carbonate and sodium hydroxide or potassium carbonate and potassium hydroxide