Life and Death Issues

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  • Afterlife
    Life after death; belief that existence continues after physical death
  • Environmental Responsibility
    Duty to respect, care for and preserve the natural environment. Sustainability is crucial to this
  • Euthanasia
    Sometimes referred to as "mercy killing". Helping someone to die because death is considered the best option
  • Evolution
    Process by which living creatures are believed to have developed from earlier, less complex forms
  • Abortion
    Deliberately ending a pregnancy by removing an embryo or foetus from the womb
  • Quality of life
    Extent to which life is meaningful and pleasurable
  • Sanctity of life
    Belief that life is precious, or sacred. Some believe human life is special as we were made in gods image
  • Soul
    The spiritual aspect of a being that connects someone to God. Non - physical and living on after physical death.