at the start of every gene the startcodon codes for an amino acid called methionine which is later removed if it is not needed for the structure which initiates translation
at the end of every gene, the last three bases called the stop codon dont code for amino acids as they mark the end of the chain and detached off the ribosome and stops translation
each amino acid is coded for by more than one base
this is an advantage as if a mutation occurs it still might code for the same amino acid
the same triplet of bases codes for the same amino acid in every organism
the advantage is that it makes genetic engineering possible
each base in a gene is only part of one triplet base that codes for one amino acid therefore each codon is read as a discrete unit
the advantage is that if there is a mutation it will only effect one codon therefore one amino acid
introns are sections of dna that dont code for aminoacids, they are only in eukaryotic dna
extrons are part of dna that code for amino acids
genome is an organismscompleteset of dna in one cell
the genome should never change, whereas the proteome of the cell is constantly changing depending on which protein is currently needed
whereas a proteome is the fullrange of proteins in onecell
exons are a triplet of bases that code for a sequence of amino acids