Module 1.0

Cards (18)

  • what is pharmaceutics?
    • formulation of a drug (API) to a safe and effective drug delivery system
  • according to aulton's pharmaceutics:
    • it refers to wide range of subject areas that are all associated with the steps to which a drug is subjected towards the end of its development
  • according to university of mississippi
    • discipline of pharmacy that deals with the science of dosage form design and embraces all facets of the process of turning a new chemical entity into a medication that can be safely and effectively used by patients in the community
  • according to the university of iowa:
    • multidisciplinary science that examine the development, production and characterization off dosage forms, as well as the disposition and action of drugs in the body
  • areas of pharmaceutics
    • physical pharmacy
    • pharmaceutical manufacturing
    • pharmaceutical microbiology
    • product performance testing
    • compounding
    • biopharmaceutics
    • dosage form design
  • physical pharmacy
    • area of pharmacy that deals with the quantitative and theoretical principles of physicochemical science as they are applied to the practice of pharmacy
  • pharmaceutical manufacturing
    • production of medicine on a large scale
    • use of complex machines and equipment
  • pharmaceutical microbiology
    • prevention and elimination of microorganisms in the medicines
  • product performance testing
    • evaluation of medicine based on its design specification and intended use
  • biopharmaceutics
    • examines the interrelationship of the physical/chemical properties of the drug, the dosage form, the route of administration on the rate and extent of systemic drug absorption
  • dosage form design
    • design and formulation of medicines
  • compounding
    • preparation of medicines on a small scale
    • can be done by hand / use of laboratory apparatus and glasswares
  • in pharmaceutics I
    • physical pharmacy
    • dosage form design
    • compounding
  • RA 10918 - Philippine pharmacy act
    • compounding - sum of processes performed by a pharmacist in drug preparation:
    1. calculations
    2. mixing
    3. assembling
    4. packaging
    5. labeling of a drug
    i. as the result of a prescription or drug order by a physician, dentist, or veterinarian
    ii. for the purpose of, in relation to, research, teaching or chemical analysis
  • USP-NF
    • compounding- preparation of drug dosage forms for both human and animal patients
    • preparation, mixing, assembling, altering, packaging, and labeling of a drug-delivery device or device
    • in accordance with a licensed practitioner's prescription, medication order, or initiative
    • based on the practitioner, patient, pharmacist, compounder relationship
  • patient-specific medications
    • used in compounding
    • unique per patient
    • label: write drug and adjusted dose legibly
    • factors to consider: age, gender, weight, special populations (pediatric, hepatically and renally-impaired, geriatic)
  • manufacturing (versus patient specific medication)
    • batch master formula
    • simply follow instructions to have a tablet of desired batch of the particular operation
  • coverage of compounding
    • preparation of drug dosage forms for both human and animal patients