Effects of Changes in Fertility

Cards (5)

  • Effects of Changes in Fertility:
    1. the family
    2. the dependency ratio
    3. public services and policies
  • Effects of Changes in Fertility: Family
    1. smaller families mean women are more likely to work
    2. dual earner families
    3. but better off couples may be able to afford childcare meaning they can have a larger family
  • Dependency Ratio: relationship between size of working population and size of non working or dependent population
  • Effects of Changes in Fertility: Dependency Ratio
    1. fall in number of children reduces burden of dependency
    2. burden of dependency falling ensures an aging population - long term increase in burden of dependency
    3. falling fertility ensures more lonely children meanign less policies targetted towards children
  • Effects of Changes in Fertility: Public Services and Policies
    1. less schools/lower class size
    2. cost of maternity leave
    3. types of housing
    4. aging population ensures more policies guided towards pensioners