Paragonimus westermani - Egg with FLAT operculum, opposite the operculum is an abopercular shell thickening, measures 80 – 120 um x 50-60 um
Clonorchis sinensis - Broadly ovoidal eggs with wide operculum, opposite the operculum is a median protuberance called abopercular knob, measures 29 x 16 um
Opistorchis felineus - Elongately ovoidal eggs with tapering ends, size is 30 x 11 um
Heterophyes heterophyes - Thick shelled light brown eggs with distinct operculum, no abopercular knob, measures 26 – 30 x 15 – 17 um
Metagonimus yokogawai - Thin shelled light-yellow egg, measures 27 x 16 um
Fasciola hepatica - Large ovoidal, yellowish brown eggs, measures 130-150 x 63-90 um
Fasciolopsis buski - Large operculated eggs indistinguishable from Fasciola hepatica and Fasciola gigantica, yellowish and ellipsoidal, measures 130-140 x 80-85 um
Echinostoma ilocanum - Straw colored, operculated ovoid eggs, measures 83-116 x 58-69 um