Business topic 4

Cards (20)

  • organisational structure
    are important for everyone knowing their responsibility
    most firms have hierarchical structure- means they are structured In layers
    4 basic layers of staff within hierarchy:
    directors- responsable for strategy
    managers- organise carrying out directors strategy
    supervisor- look after specific projects or small teams of operatives
    operatives- workers not responsible for other staff
  • tall and flat structure
    long chain of command, more layers of management
    each manager only has lower span of control
    flat organisational structure:
    short chain of command
    each manager has wide span of control
  • centralised organisations
    all major decisions made by one person or a few senior managers at the top
    these people tend to have a lot of experience
    only a few people making the decision can slow down decision making
  • decentralised organisation
    authority is shared out
    employees can use good knowledge of their sector to make decisions
    also don't need to communicate with managers about them about decisions, so decisions can be made quicker
    inconsistencies may develop between departments
  • contract of employment
    a legal agreement between employee and employer
    contains the info that most employers must give employees within 2 months
    job title
    starting date
    hours of work
    pay and regular date of payment
    where employer will be working
    holidays employers are entitled to
    details of sickness Pay
    info about disciplinary procedures
    length of notice employers have to give if they want to leave
  • employment: full time and part time
    full Time: 35-40 hours a week
    part time: 10-30 hours a week
    some prefer full time as they need money
    some prefer part time so they can spend time with family etc.
    full time staff is goof if there is enough work to do
    part time makes more sense of company is only busy at certain periods
    part time can fill in when people are sick
  • jobs can be shared
    some employees Job share: share the work and pay of a full time job
    good for people who only want to work part time
    good if people have different strengths
    responsibilities and communication has to be clear
  • zero hour contracts
    employer doesn't have to offer them any work at all and employee doesn't have to accept any work
    cheap form of labour- doesn't waste money paying stuff when their not needed
    appeal to people who want extra cash, but want to be able to turn work down
  • businesses have to be clear about job on offer
    steps involved in recruitment- job analysis, advertisement, and selection
    job analysis is where a firm thinks in depth about every detail of the Job
    advertisement usually includes job description
    business then has to go through candidates and select the best one
  • internal and external recruitment
    current employees into new roles
    position can be filled more quickly
    already have knowledge on firm
    no new ideas
    outside business
    find there best person
    isn't cheap
  • benefits of recruiting the right people
    high productivity
    high quality output
    good customer service
  • induction training
    introducing people to the work place, fellow workers, and advising them of company rules and procedures
    new employees can feel confident when they start and less likely make mistakes
  • on the job training
    most common type of training
    when employees learn to their job, and then practicing
    more suitable where practical skills are being taught. e.g. learning how to use a till at a shop
    it is cost-effective for employee as they are learning and getting paid st the same time
    bad working practices can be passed on
  • off the job training
    happens when staff learn away from a work place e.g. at a local college
    appropriate when employee needs to know general info about a business
    more expensive then on the job training but is often higher quality training
  • training benefits
    up to date skills and knowledge will allow you to do your job better, increasing job satisfaction and motivation
    can get promoted

    produce higher quality goods or services
    more efficient
    help staff stay up to date
    make staff feel motivated
  • financial motivation through wages
    wages are commonly payed weekly or monthly
    time rates pays people by the hour , encouraging people to work longer hours.
    piece rate is used if output of each worker can be easily measured
    encourages people to work quicker
  • financial motivation through salary
    salary is a fixed amount payed every month
    a salary of 24000 means 2000 a month
    firm and workers both know how much you are payed
    it doesn't encourage employees to work harder
  • employers can give staff extra payments
    commission-this is paid to sales staff for every item they sell, it is given to them on top of a small basic salary
    profit sharing schemes- e.g. where a % of the company profit are divided
  • style of management motivation
    workers feel more motivated if they are managed in a way that kets them have an input in the decisions
  • fringe benefits
    it is any reward that is not part of a workers main income
    e.g. staff income