Challenged the view that mental disorders were caused by physical issues
Proposed that there are psychological factors which could cause mental illness, and that using medical treatments may not be appropriate
Psychodynamic assumptions
Influence of Childhood Experiences
Unconscious Mind
Tripartite Personality
Ways that adult personality may be shaped by childhood
Role models
Cycle of abuse
Freud's theory of psychosexual development
Personality is shaped by our childhood
Psychological development through the 5 psychosexual stages
If we are moved on too late or too early, we can become fixated on a stage
Frustration is caused by moving on too soon and overindulgence by moving on too late
Psychosexual stages
Oral (0-18 months)
Anal (18 months-3 years)
Phallic (3-6 years)
Latency (6 years - puberty)
Genital (Puberty-adult)
Oral stage
The mouth is the libido focus for children in this age
During this stage, the child's ego begins to form
too much gratification - gullible, too dependent upon others (oral receptive)
not receive enough gratification - aggressive, pessimistic and full of envy and suspicion (oral rejective)
Anal stage
The libido is now focused on the anus
The ego continues to develop
Healthy development: maintain orderliness, ability to deal with authority
Too little gratification (anal retentive): hates mess, obsessively tidy, punctual, stubborn
Too much gratification (anal expulsive): problems with potty training, may be messy, disorganised and careless
Phallic stage
The libido is now focused on the genitals
By this point the ego has formed, but the superego is not present
The superego comes through the Oedipus complex for boys, or the Electra complex for girls
The Oedipus complex: boy focuses his sexual desires on his mother and sees his father as a rival - 'castration anxiety'
The Electra complex: girl begins to develop 'penis envy', seeing her mother as a rival for her father's affection
Latency stage
The libido is dormant, and the child focuses on acquiring knowledge and understanding of the world and building same-sex friendships
Genital stage
The libido again focused on the genitals, but gratification is received from the opposite sex rather than parents
If an individual has made it through the previous stages of development with no issue - a well adjusted mature adult who is capable of love and is able to be loved, works hard and contributes to society, and is able to maintain healthy sexual relationships
The unconscious mind
Inaccessible but can be accessed indirectly, e.g. through dreams. It determines much of our behaviour and is ruled by pleasure-seeking. It contains repressed thoughts and feelings.
Ego defence mechanisms
Redirection of an impulse (usually aggressive) to a less threatening target
Attributing one's own unacceptable thoughts or feelings to others
Forgetting or blocking from our conscious threatening thoughts or feelings
Reverting to an earlier, more immature stage of development to cope with stress
A Freudian slip is an accidental mistake in speech that reveals something about the unconscious mind
Dreams can give us insight into the unconscious mind
Word association and inkblot tests can also provide insight into the unconscious mind
What we are currently thinking and feeling, the logical and rational part of the mind
Things we are not currently thinking about but could be aware of if we thought about them, similar to memories
The vast majority of the mind, irrational and ruled by pleasure-seeking, where repressed thoughts and feelings are contained
Parts of personality
The primitive biological part of the mind, present at birth, driven by basic impulses and the pleasure principle
The conscious, rational part that manages the demands of the id in a socially acceptable way, governed by the reality principle
The part that embodies the sense of right and wrong, holds a picture of the ideal self, and aims to perfect and civilise behaviour, governed by the morality principle
Freud argued that conflicts between the id, ego and superego can lead to mental disorders
Demands immediate pleasure, not concerned with the consequences of an action
Mediates between the ID and the SUPEREGO, devising a realistic strategy to obtain pleasure
Functions to CONVERGE the impulses of the ID, especially those which society forbids, and can punish the ego through feelings of guilt
Sarah really wants to punch her brother but punches her pillow instead
Biting nails - comfort of being a 'toddler'
Psychosexual development
Raise children based on it so they don't get fixated at any stage and can form healthyrelationships in the future
Fixation can affect relationships in adulthood
Overindulgence in oral stage
Can lead to unhealthy dependency
Denial in sexuality
Forming relationships not in line with true feelings
Defence mechanisms
Psychological strategies used to avoid anxiety and protect the ego
Forming a relationship in adulthood
May bring up unpleasant emotions from the past
People may use ego defence mechanisms
To help them avoid anxiety
These relationships may become dysfunctional and break down