Glacial Landforms

Cards (8)

  • Corries
    • snow gathers in a hollow and compresses into ice
    • freeze-thaw weathering adds rock fragments to the ice
    • Gravity starts pulling the ice down the hill by rotational slip
    • The glacier's rotation and abrasion deepen the hollow
    • When the ice melts, an armchair shape hollow is left which sometimes has a small lake called a tarn
  • Pyramidal peak - form when three corries form back to back
  • Arete - steep ridge that forms when two corries form back to back
  • Hanging valley - Smaller valley joined to a larger valley
  • Ribbon lake - Long, thin lake that forms in a glacial trough
  • Truncated spurs - Interlocking spurs that have been chopped off or truncated by the glacier moving down the valley
  • Drumlin - egg shaped hills formed when material at the base of a glacier hits an obstruction and is deposited
  • Erratic - large boulders left behind by glaciers that are a different rock type to the place where they have been deposited