family diversity

Cards (55)

  • types of family - NF - parsons and new right
    married couple with 2 kids
    husband goes to work
    wife looks after domestic duties with clear segregated roles
  • types of family - symmetrical family - willmott and young
    more joint roles = family becoming more symmetrical
    more women going to work
    more men doing housework
  • types of family - NF with the 'new man'
    woman is the breadwinner
    man does most of the domestic work
    exists mostly in a post modern society
  • types of family - vertical extended family
    multiple generations living together
    eg. grandparents, great grandparents
  • types of family - horizontal extended family
    family extended horizontally across the same generation
    eg. aunts, uncles, cousins
  • types of family - beanpole family
    multigenerational extended family but is characterised by each generation having few siblings
  • types of family - lone parent family
    family headed by one parent
    • new right unhappy as they believe only having one parent can cause deviant behaviour and socialise children with deviant familes = creates an underclass
  • types of family - reconstituted (blended) family
    2 NFs have split up and merged to form a new family
  • types of family - same sex couple families
    homosexual couples with children (adopted or from one of the parents)
  • types of family - cohabitation
    unmarried couple living together
  • types of family - empty nest family
    a couple who had children but they have now left the family home
  • types of family - boomerang family
    children who have left the family home and have come back
  • causes of family diversity
    divorce reform act
  • causes of family diversity
    same sex couples
  • causes of family diversity
    globalisation of industries in employment
  • causes of family diversity
    secularisation - less religious pressure
  • causes of family diversity
    women in work - service sector created
  • causes of family diversity
    overgenerous welfare state
  • causes of family diversity
    abortion reform act
  • causes of family diversity
    rise of feminism and greater gender equality
  • modernist perspective of family diversity
    tend to reject family diversity
    believe NF is the most ideal type
  • post modernist view of family diversity
    accept family diversity
    believe they should all be treated equally by society
  • modernism on functionalism
    NF is ideal as it provides basic functions:
    1. primary socialisation
    2. stabilisation of adult personalities by teaching the sexual division of labour (men - breadwinners, women - housewifes)
    3. economic cooperation
    X ignores development of women by reducing them to traditional roles
    X ignores that key functions are not only specific to NF and have been transferred to other institutions
    TICK most NFs still carry out gender varied roles
  • modernism on the new right
    conservative approach that opposes family diversity
    supports traditional values and institutions
  • modernism on the new right
    NF is important in maintaining social stability and common culture
    • society is fixed, structured and predictable
  • modernism on the new right
    lone parents are 'unnatural' and harmful to society by producing a dependency state and delinquency - murray
    • argue the welfare state undermines family responsibility and encourages single women to have children out of wedlock
  • modernism on the new right
    family diversity erodes structures of society and key values
  • modernism on the new right
    NF is most ideal as its based on biological differences between males and females
  • modernism on the new right
    X ignores the dark side of family life
    X ethnocentric - forces western ideas onto minority cultures
    X ignores that some people can't work and need to rely on the welfare state
    X patriarchal views
    X based on little research and doesnt represent true family life
    X reproduces gender inequalities with 'biologically suited' roles
  • chester
    NF is the most dominant family type despite the increase of family diversity
    • doesn't see the new changes as very significant
  • chester - NF is most ideal and most people aspire to become one

    evident in patterns of:
    • most marriages still continue until death
    • cohabitation has increased, but it is mostly a temporary phase before marriage
    • ethnic groups are very likely to live in NF households
    • most children are still looked after by their 2 natural parents
  • chester
    most significant change is families going from the conventional NF (instrumental and expressive roles) to the neo conventional family (both spouses work and are dual earners)
  • chester
    basically argues that statistics on households don't reflect changes in people's life cycles as most people that are currently not in a NF either have been or will be at some point in life
  • evaluation for chester
    TICK NF remains the most dominant family type - statistics show that chester's theory is still applicable
    X ignores the rise in alternative families
    X stacy - chester ignores the increase in divorce which has led to divorce extended families, rather than neo conventional families
    • divorce has brought women together to form extended families which offer support and evolve to suit people's needs
  • rapoport and rapoport - 5 types of diversity
    believe family diversity meets the needs of different people, rather than causing problems for society
  • rapoport and rapoport - 5 types of diversity
    1-organisational diversity
    • how family roles are organised
    eg. joint/segregated conjugal roles
  • rapoport and rapoport - 5 types of diversity
    2 - cultural diversity
    • different cultures, religions and ethnic groups have different family structures
    eg asian households - extended
    black households - lone parent
  • rapoport and rapoport - 5 types of diversity
    3 - class
    • different classes = different family structures, roles and practices
    eg. m/c children more likely to take part in extracurricular activities
  • rapoport and rapoport - 5 types of diversity
    4 - life cycles
    • family structures can change accordingly to the stagr reached in a person's life cycle
    eg. widows, pensioner couples, NF
  • rapoport and rapoport - 5 types of diversity
    5 - generational
    • older and younger generations have different experiences of family structures
    eg older generations - more nuclear
    younger generations - more symmetrical