gender and offending

Cards (12)

  • men more likely to commit crime than women
  • carlen and heichensohn - sex role theory

    suggest females have more to lose if they turn to crime
    • their socialisation means their central role as ’guardians of domestic mortality’ carries an expectation to set a good example
  • control theory
    women experience higher levels of control than men in all spheres of life
  • control theory
    agencies of social control restrict women’s opportunities to commit crime
  • control theory
    males dominate, women are controlled in private and public spheres
  • anderson - chivalry thesis 

    suggest a stereotypical view of females as ‘helpless and naive’ as the criminal justice system is ‘paternalistic’
  • anderson - chivalry thesis 

    criminal justice system is more likely to treat females more leniently than men and let them off for offences
  • home office 2008
    first time female offenders are half as likely to be given a sentence of immediate imprisonment than men
  • female offenders are generally treated as less serious than male offenders - labelling theory
  • the mad and bad theory - smart
    carlen - women twice as likely to be denied bail when charged with drug offences and three times as likely for serious offences involving dishonesty
  • growing female criminality - adler
    argues that changes in typical gender roles are to blame for such increases in female offences
    • this change is due to the growing independence of women and a lack of traditional controls
  • messerschmidt
    suggests men turn to crime as a way of asserting masculinity as they don’t want to be regarded as wimps