increasing enzyme [] increases the nummber of AS present therefore more successful collisionsbetween AS and susbstrate molecules will occur
more AS - sub complexes will form and therefore the rate of reaction will increase
what are the limiting factors for the effects of changing enzyme []:
substrate [] and temp
enzyme inhibitors:
inhibitors are substances which slow down enzyme activity
what are the 2 types of inhibitors:
competitive and non-competitive
competitive inhibitors:
chemicals that have a shape that is similar to that of the substate, means it will fit into the AS of enzyme and block it
what do competitive inhibitors reduce:
reduce the number of free active site and therefore fewer E-S complexes form and rate of reaction decreases
the effect of most competitive inhibitors are reversible how?:
can be reduced by increasing substrate []
inhibitors that bind irreversibly are called:
non-competitive inhibitors:
these are chemicals that bind to regions of the enzyme known as the allosteric site
this binding cause the shape of the AS to chnage so it no longer is complememtary to it susbstrate
increasing the sub /enzyme [] has no effect on/.... :
non-competitive inhibitors
end product inhibition:
this occurs when end product acts as an inhibitor and stays bound to the allosteric site of the enzyme that produces it
this is an example of negative feedback and prevents too much of a product being produced
are non-protein substances that are needed for an enzyme to function correctly
ions that are not permantly bound to the enzyme eg Cl- is a cofactor of amylase helping to form its active site
can alter the charge of molecules to ensure the ES complex forms correctly
they are organic , that bind together with the active site to ensure substrates fits and binds correctly
have to be recycled
prosthetic group:
they are part of the structure of an enzyme they are known as prosthetic group
iron or zinc
eg zinc is permanently bound to the enzyme carbonic anhydrase found in red blood calls and is essential for the carriage of CO2 in mammals
enzyme inhibitions
cyanide is highly toxic because it inhibits aerobic respiration
temperature coefficient
Q10 = rate of reaction (T.c + 10 )/ rate of reaction T .c
snake venom
venom of a green mamba snake contains a chemical that inhibits the enzyme ACh , important of the neuromuscular synapses to break down acetylcholine, if this enzyme is inhibited it is attached to the receptors on the muscle membrane and keeps the muscle contracted = causes paralyses