Reiner - Learning the blues

Cards (5)

    • Cop sided view of police (orthodox): Sees police as rational response to twin pressures of urban and Industrial revolution, which posed new problems of order.
    • By contrast, revisionism stressed that industrialisation and urbanisation occurred within a specifically capitalist framework
    • Root of problem of order accentuated class division and conflict associated with the rise of capitalism
  • What was wrong with the old policing arrangements?
    • During the 18th century, the punitiveness of the criminal code was increasingly seen as counter productive.
    • Key agents of the 'old' policing system (constables, watchmen and amateur justices) were widely criticised by 18th and 19th century advocates for police reform.
  • Motives for police reform:
    • Fear of crime
    • The role of Politically motivated disorder
    • Revisionists: Need for a force that could stabilise disorder between conflicting social classes
  • Who opposed the new police?
    • 6 Parliamentary committees between 1812 and 1822 considered London's policing arrangements but recommended against new police
    • The orthodox historians' only explanation for this was to impugn the intelligence and integrity of the opponents of police reform
    • Social impact of the new police
    • Orthodox: Unequivocally benign: Solving the problem of order
    • Revisionist - Modern professional policing created a 'Policed society'