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  • Viruses cannot be the first form of life because they need living cells to reproduce
  • Organisms of the same species
    • They look alike
    • They cannot hybridize with other species
  • Mammals
    • They are warm blooded
    • They have red blood cells without nuclei
    • They have a very high metabolism for more strenuous activity
  • Photosynthesis releases oxygen and requires carbon dioxide
  • An aerobic organism is placed in an anaerobic environment

    The mitochondrion will be the first to cease its function
  • Cell
    The basic unit of life that can perform the fundamental life processes and contains DNA
  • The cell membrane allows amino acids, fatty acids, and glycerol to enter the cell, but not starch
  • Oxygen is important to the cell because it is required to generate large amounts of ATP, serves as an electron acceptor during respiration, and is needed by the mitochondria
  • Cellular respiration
    Glucose + Oxygen -> Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy (ATP)
  • Increase in temperature
    Increases the rate of cellular respiration
  • Enzymes are biological catalysts that speed up chemical reactions without being consumed or permanently altered
  • Enzyme-substrate complex forms
    Lowers the activation energy required for the reaction to occur
  • Enzymes are specific to the substrates they act upon
  • Factors that affect enzyme activity include temperature, pH, and the presence of inhibitors
  • The hereditary background of an organism depends on the DNA and their products
  • Products of DNA
    • Fatty acids
    • Proteins
    • Simple sugars
    • Starch
  • Nucleotides
    The building blocks of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA)
  • Translation occurs among prokaryotes as well as eukaryotes because both possess ribosomes
  • Guanine pairs with cytosine and not with adenine because guanine and cytosine are both polar
  • Natural selection
    The process of producing radioactive resistant bacteria by repeatedly exposing them to increasing doses of radioactive substances
  • Radioactive phosphorous was absorbed by the algae cells, making them radioactive
  • Plants living in desert habitats have several adaptations to survive
  • Adaptations of plants in desert habitats
    • Characteristics that allow them to conserve water
  • Broad and expanded leaves would have a higher surface area exposed to evaporation. Water loss would then be faster; the plant would lose water rather than conserving
  • The presence of the leaves during winter would cause greater surface area of the plant to be exposed to cold and dry conditions. They shed their leaves either to prevent water loss by evaporation or to prevent water within the plant from freezing
  • Ecological niche
    The organism's place in the ecosystem: where it lives, what it consumes, and how it interacts with all biotic and abiotic factors
  • As Paramecium increases
    Didinium also increases as there would be more food for the latter
  • As Paramecium decreases
    The food supply for Didinium lessens, therefore the latter would decrease in population
  • Didinium is feeding on Paramecium
  • Normal curve

    • Log phase
    • Lag phase
    • Decline phase
  • Taigas have greater temperature extremes with cold winters and warm summers. The taiga experiences relatively low precipitation throughout the year
  • Deciduous forests are located in temperate regions and so experience four distinct seasons: winter, spring, summer and fall
  • Permafrost are permanently frozen soils found in the tundra biome, not in the grasslands
  • Rainforests possess the highest diversity among all the biomes
  • Carrying capacity
    The population size that can be supported indefinitely by the resources of a given environment
  • Monocots
    • Single cotyledon in the seed, parallel venation, fibrous root system, floral parts in multiples of 3's and the absence of secondary growth
  • Dicots
    • Presence of 2 cotyledons in the seed, netted venation, taproot system, floral parts in multiples of 4's and 5's and the presence of secondary growth
  • Viruses require the genetic material and reproductive mechanisms of foreign cells in order to replicate themselves
  • Milkfish and sea horses are both bony fishes (Class Osteichthyes) under Phylum Chordata of Kingdom Animalia
  • Major Taxonomic Levels
    • Kingdom
    • Phylum
    • Class
    • Order
    • Family
    • Genus
    • Species