What is the counterpart of radio-ulna in hindlimb?
A. Tarsals B. Calcar C. Tibio-Fibula D. Fibulare
What do you call the bone that has a Y-shaped structure and is attached to the posterior ends of the coracoid and epicoracoid? A.Omosternum B. Mesosternum C. Omosterenum D. Xiphisternum
This is also known as the "sacral vertebra" A. Atlas B. 8th Vetebra C. Urostyle D. 9th Vertebra
This is a typical vertebra but its transverse process is broader than the others A. 2nd Vertebra B. 3rd Vertebra C. 4th Vertebra D. 5th Vertebra
What is the irregularly shaped bone attached to the median posterior end of the nasal and extends up to the ventral side? A. Premaxilla B. Sphenethmoid C. Squamosal D. Prootic
Which bone forms the ventral side of the cranium in the frog's skull? A. Maxilla B. Parasphenoid C. Pterygoid D. Vomer
What bones comprise the pelvic girdle? A. Pubis, Ulnare, Ilium B. Ischium, Pubis, Clavicle C. Clavicle, Scapula D. Pubis, Ischium, Ilium
Which bone forms the medial portion of the upper jaw in the frog's skull? A. Maxilla B. Premaxilla C. Quadratojugal D. Sphenethmoid
What do you call the bones that form the palms of the hands of a frog? A. Carpals B. Metacarpals C. Tarsals D. Metatarsals
Which of the following is the shortest vertebra in the body of the frog? A. Sacral Vertebra B. Typical Vertebra C. Atlas D. Urostyle