Cards (10)

  • What is the counterpart of radio-ulna in hindlimb?
    A. Tarsals B. Calcar C. Tibio-Fibula D. Fibulare
  • What do you call the bone that has a Y-shaped structure and is attached to the posterior ends of the coracoid and epicoracoid? A.Omosternum B. Mesosternum C. Omosterenum D. Xiphisternum
  • This is also known as the "sacral vertebra" A. Atlas B. 8th Vetebra C. Urostyle D. 9th Vertebra
  • This is a typical vertebra but its transverse process is broader than the others A. 2nd Vertebra B. 3rd Vertebra C. 4th Vertebra D. 5th Vertebra
  • What is the irregularly shaped bone attached to the median posterior end of the nasal and extends up to the ventral side? A. Premaxilla B. Sphenethmoid C. Squamosal D. Prootic
  • Which bone forms the ventral side of the cranium in the frog's skull? A. Maxilla B. Parasphenoid C. Pterygoid D. Vomer
  • What bones comprise the pelvic girdle? A. Pubis, Ulnare, Ilium B. Ischium, Pubis, Clavicle C. Clavicle, Scapula D. Pubis, Ischium, Ilium
  • Which bone forms the medial portion of the upper jaw in the frog's skull? A. Maxilla B. Premaxilla C. Quadratojugal D. Sphenethmoid
  • What do you call the bones that form the palms of the hands of a frog? A. Carpals B. Metacarpals C. Tarsals D. Metatarsals
  • Which of the following is the shortest vertebra in the body of the frog? A. Sacral Vertebra B. Typical Vertebra C. Atlas D. Urostyle