Working memory model

Cards (9)

  • The working memory model:
  • What is the central executive?
    • Filters information and decides what to attend to
    • Directs information to the slave systems
    • Limited capacity
  • What is some research supporting the central executive?
    D’Esposito et al (1995) - fMRIs show the prefrontal cortex being activated during simultaneous verbal and spatial tasks, but not separately, showing the CE integrates these
  • What is the visuospatial sketchpad?
    • Deals with visual and spatial information
    • Allows the individual to navigate their physical environment
    • Subdivided by Logic into visual cache and inner scribe
  • What is some research for the visuospatial sketch pad?
    More interference between a visual task and spatial task
  • What is the episodic buffer?
    • Integrates information from all stores
  • What is some research for the episodic buffer?
    Alkhalifa (2009) - found patients with impaired LTM had a larger capacity of STM, far exceeding the capacity of PL and VSS. This suggests EB holds information in WM until recalled
  • What is the phonological loop?
    • Deals with auditory information
    • Limited capacity
    • Baddely divided into two parts: articulatory processes (inner voice) and phonological store (inner ear)
    • Articulatory processes keep information in the phonological store through repetition
    • Phonological store stores recently heard words
  • What is some research for the phonological loop?
    Trojani and Grossi (1995) - reported a case study of someone with brain damage affecting the function of his PL but not his VSS. Shows they are separate systems