To take care of consumers' interest and to avoid any form of exploitation
Government intervention affects business reputation
Legal protection to consumers
The Consumer Protection Act, 1986
The Indian Contract Act, 1872
The Sale of Goods Act, 1930
The Essential Commodities Act, 1955
The Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act
The Prevention of Food Adulteration Act
The Standards of Weights and Measures Act, 1946
The Trade Marks Act, 1999
The consumers should come again and again
Business uses the raw material from the society
Hence they have the responsibility towards society
Social responsibility - businesses should act ethically
A person who buys any goods or avails services for a consideration, which has been paid or promised, or partly paid and partly promised, or under any scheme of deferred payment. It includes any user of such goods or beneficiary of services if such use is made with the approval of the buyer.
The Consumer Protection Act 2019 applies to both offline and online transactions through electronic means or by teleshopping or direct selling or multilevel marketing.
Any person who obtains goods or avails services for resale or commercial purpose is not treated as a consumer and is outside the scope of Consumer Protection Act 2019.
Consumer rights under the Consumer Protection Act 2019
Right to safety
Right to be informed
Right to choose
Right to be heard
Right to seek redressal
Right to consumer education
Any allegation in writing made by the complainant for obtaining relief w.r.t restrictive trade practice, defect in goods or deficiency in services provided, overcharging of price or offer of goods or service injurious to life and safety.
One or more consumers, or any voluntary consumer association, central or state government or the central authority or a legal heir or legal representative or a parent or legal representative in case of a minor.
Spurious goods
Goods that are falsely claimed to be genuine.
Unfair trade practice
A trade practice for the purpose of promoting sale, use or supply of any goods or service falsely represents its quality, standard, quantity, composition, style or model.
Restrictive trade practice
A trade practice which manipulates price or affect the flow of supplies in the market relating to goods and services.
Any allegation in writing made by the complainant for obtaining relief w.r.t restrictive trade practice, defect in goods or deficiency in services provided, overcharging of price or offer of goods or service injurious to life and safety
One or more consumers, or any voluntary consumer association, central or state government or the central authority or a legal heir or legal representative or a parent or legal representative in case of a minor
Spurious goods
Goods that are falsely claimed to be genuine
Unfair trade practice
A trade practice for the purpose of promoting sale, use or supply of any goods or service falsely represents its quality, standard, quantity, composition, style or model
Restrictive trade practice
A trade practice which manipulates price or affect the flow of supplies in the market relating to goods and services in such a manner that an unjustified cost is imposed on the consumer
Any fault, imperfection, shortcoming or inadequacy in quality, nature and manner of performance in relation to goods or a product
Any fault, imperfection, shortcoming or inadequacy in quality, nature and manner of performance in relation to in relation to any service and includes act of negligence or omission or commission or withholding relevant information which causes loss or injury to the consumer
Any harm illegally caused to any person in body, mind or property
Any article or goods or substance or raw material or any extended cycle of such product either in gaseous , liquid or solid state possessing intrinsic value capable of delivery either as assembled or a component produced or manufactured to trade. It does not include human tissues, blood, blood products and organs
Product Seller
Any person in the course of business imports, sells, distributes, leases, installs, prepares, labels, markets, repairs, maintains or otherwise involved in placing the product for commercial use or a service provider
Product Liability
Responsibility of a product manufacturer or seller of any product or service to compensate for any harm caused to a consumer by defective product manufactured or sold or by deficiency in services
Rights of consumers under the Consumer Protection Act 2019
Right to Safety
Right to be informed
Right to be assured
Right to be heard
Right to seek redressal
Right to Consumer Education
Right to Safety
The consumer has a right to be protected against goods and services which are hazardous to life, health and property
Right to be informed
The consumer has a right to have complete information about the product he intends to buy including its ingredients, date of manufacture, price, quantity, directions for use, etc.
Right to be assured
The consumer has the freedom to access variety of products at competitive prices
Right to be heard
The consumer has a right to file a complaint and to be heard in case of dissatisfaction with a good or a service
Right to seek redressal
The consumer has a right to get relief against unfair trade practice of restrictive trade practices or unscrupulous exploitation in case the product or a service falls short of his expectations
Right to Consumer Education
The consumer has a right to acquire knowledge and to be a well informed consumer throughout life
Consumer responsibilities
Be aware about various goods and services available in the market
Buy only standardised goods as they provide quality assurance
Learn about the risks associated with products and services, follow manufacturer's instructions and use the products safely
Read labels carefully so as to have information about prices, net weight, manufacturing and expiry dates, etc.
Assert yourself to ensure that you get a fair deal
Be honest in your dealings. Choose only from legal goods and services and discourage unscrupulous practices like black-marketing, hoarding, etc.
Ask for a cash memo on purchase of goods or services
File a complaint in an appropriate consumer forum in case of a shortcoming in the quality of goods purchased or services availed
Form consumer societies which would play an active part in educating consumers and safeguarding their interests
Respect the environment. Avoid waste, littering and contributing to pollution
Ways and means of consumer protection
Self-regulation by Business
Business Associations
Consumer Awareness
Consumer Organisations
Self-regulation by Business
Socially responsible firms follow ethical standards and practices in dealing with their customers
Business Associations
The associations of trade, commerce and business like FICCI and CII have laid down their code of conduct which lay down for their members the guidelines in their dealings with the customers