Key terms

Cards (12)

  • Omnipotence
    All powerful and unlimited nature of God e.g. he created the world
  • Omnibenevolence
    All loving and all good nature e.g. sacrificing his only son Jesus to make up for man kind sins
  • Omniscience
    All knowing nature of God e.g. he knows our past present and future
  • Trinity
    Three aspects of God; Father, son and Holy Spirit
  • Holy spirit
    One of the aspects of God that makes up the trinity. Christians believe its the power of god at work in the world
  • Incarnation
    Christian belief that God became a man in the form of Jesus
  • Atonement
    Belief that Jesus death and resurrection atoned for human sin and opened a way for god and people to be one again
  • Divine Command Theory
    Belief that something is right because god commands it e.g. he is omniscient
  • Agape
    Unconditional love. Compassion. The highest type of love shown by Jesus sacrifice and by the teaching "love your neighbour". Putting others before yourself
  • Inter faith dialogue
    Different faith groups coming together to understand each other and to serve the community with mutual respect
  • Resurrection
    Belief that Jesus rose from the dead. This is remembered on Easter Sunday
  • Messiah
    The one believed to be sent by God to save humanity. Christians belive this is Jesus. It means the anointed one.