Cards (9)

  • When are people with HIV classed as having AIDs?
    When symptoms of their failing immune system start to appear or their helper T-cell count drops below a certain level
  • What do people with AIDs generally develop?
    Diseases that wouldn't cause serious problems in people with a healthy immune system
  • What is the length of time between INFECTION with HIV and the DEVELOPMENT of AIDS?
    • Varies between individuals
    • WITHOUT TREATMENT usually 10 years
    1. What do the initial symptoms of AIDs include?
    Minor infections of mucous membranes (e.g. inside of ears) and recurring respiratory infections
  • 2. As aids progresses, what happens?

    • The number of immune system cells decreases further
    • Patients become susceptible to more serious infections including chronic diarrhoea
  • Why do the infections become more and more severe?

    as there are fewer and fewer immune system cells to fight them
  • 3. During the late stages of AIDs, what happens?

    • Patients have a very low number of immune system cells
    • Patients can develop a range of serious infections eg toxoplasmosis of the brain
    • It is these serious infections that kills AIDs patients
  • What type of infection is toxoplasmosis of the brain?
    a parasite infection
  • what are some factors that affect the progression of HIV to AIDS and the survival time of AIDS?

    • Existing infections
    • The strain of HIV they are infected with
    • Age
    • Access to healthcar