Jesus as god incarnate

Cards (8)

  • Jesus the son:
    • God incarnate : god in human form
    • Part of the trinity - "god the son"
    • The gospel of john - "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life".
  • Jesus as messiah and saviour:
    • Sent by god to save humanity
    • Jesus said "no one comes to the father except through me"
    • We must must accept Jesus as Lord to get to heaven (achieve salvation).
  • Salvation and Atonement:
    • John gospel - "the lamb of god, who takes away the sin of the world"
    • Jesus paid the price for our sins. This allows our sins to be forgiven
    • These problems began with Adam and Eve who disobeyed god.
  • The world:
    • In the old testament the world of god was revealed through the prophets
    • In the new testament Jesus "is" the world
    • John gospel says "and the world became flesh and dwelt among us"
  • The crucifixion of Jesus:
    • He was nailed to the cross
    • Jesus asked god to forgive those who crucified him
    • As he died darkness covered the land
  • Jesus birth:
    • Miracle - His mother Mary was a virgin
    • Visited by shepherds and wise men
    • The wise men were guided by a star
  • The resurrection of Jesus:
    • Resurrected on the third day
    • Mary Magdalene went to visit his tomb. The tomb was empty
    • Jesus was seen that day by Mary and the disciplines. Over the next forty days many people saw him
  • The ascension of Jesus:
    • Forty days after the resurrection
    • Jesus rose to heaven in bodily form
    • This was observed by many people