
Cards (9)

  • 2 Views about right and wrong
    • One is called moral absolutism - Such as it is wrong to kill apply in all situations
    • For some people these are things like god commands (devine command theory)
  • Positives: There is no grey area when it comes to decision making; there are set guidelines and rules
    Negative: Situations are all different we should make our own decisions.
  • The second one is moral relativism: moral decisions depend on situation Sometimes referred as situation ethics
  • Positives: Individuals have control over their own lives and decision making; each situation is different so deserves considerations
    Negative: Individuals can justify any action; there is no clear guidence
  • Teaching of Jesus:
    • Jesus said that we should treat others the way we want to be treated
    • This is the golden rule
    • Those who follow his teachings will be rewarded with eternal life in heaven
  • Treasures on earth and in heaven:
    • Jesus taught doing good deeds is like putting savings into a spiritual bank
    • Spiritual treasure is safe from being stolen or destroyed
    • Jesus said "It is much harder fir a rich person to enter the kingdom of god than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle
  • Agape:
    • Unconditional love. Compassion. The highest type of love shown by Jesus sacrifice and by teaching "love your neighbour as yourself"
    • It is more than friendship or physical attraction; agape is putting other people before yourself
    • Jesus explains this type of love in the parable of the good Samaritan
  • Jesus and forgiveness:
    • Jesus asked god to forgive those who crucified him
    • Jesus told his disciplines to forgive people "seventy times seven" times which means as often as needed
    • In the Lords prayer, it says to forgive as we are forgiven by god