pmt notes - atomic structure

Cards (39)

  • Atom
    Positively charged nucleus (which contains neutrons and protons) surrounded by negatively charged electrons
  • Subatomic Particles
    • Proton
    • Neutron
    • Electron
  • Electron
    Relative Mass: 0 (0.0005), Relative Charge: -1
  • Typical radius of an atom: 1 Γ— 10βˆ’10 metres
  • The radius of the nucleus is 10 000 times smaller than the radius of the atom
  • Most (nearly all) the mass of the atom is concentrated at the nucleus
  • Electron Arrangement
    Electrons lie at different distances from the nucleus (different energy levels). The electron arrangements may change with the interaction with EM radiation
  • Isotopes
    Atoms of the same element, but with different masses, which have the same number of protons but different number of neutrons
  • Elements
    All atoms of the same element have the same number of protons
  • Neutral Atoms

    Have the same number of electrons and protons
  • Atomic Notation
    , where X is the letter of the element, A is the mass number, Z is the proton number, and N is the charge
  • Atoms and EM Radiation

    1. When electrons change orbit (move closer or further from the nucleus)
    2. When electrons move to a higher orbit (further from the nucleus), the atom has absorbed EM radiation
    3. When the electrons falls to a lower orbit (closer to the nucleus), the atoms has emitted EM radiation
    4. If an electron gains enough energy, it can leave the atom to form a positive ion
  • In 1800, Dalton said everything was made of tiny spheres (atoms) that could not be divided
  • In 1897, JJ Thomson discovered the electron and the Plum Pudding Model was formed
  • In 1911, Rutherford realised most of the atom was empty space
  • In 1913, Rutherford produced the final model of the atom, with a positive nucleus at the centre and negative electrons existing in a cloud around the nucleus
  • Later, the positive charge of the nucleus was subdivided into smaller particles, each with the same amount of charge - the proton
  • 20 years after the 'nucleus' was an accepted scientific idea, James Chadwick provided evidence to prove neutrons existed
  • Radioactive Decay
    Some atomic nuclei are unstable. The nucleus gives out radiation as it changes to become more stable. This is a random process called radioactive decay
  • Activity

    The rate at which a source of unstable nuclei decays, measured in Becquerel (Bq)
  • Count-rate

    The number of decays recorded by a detector per second, e.g. a Geiger-Muller Tube
  • Forms of Radioactive Decay
    • Alpha (Ξ±, a helium nucleus)
    • Beta Minus (Ξ², electron)
    • Gamma (Ξ³, radiation)
    • Neutrons
  • Alpha Decay

    Causes both the mass and charge of the nucleus to decrease
  • Beta Decay

    Does not cause the mass of the nucleus to change but does cause the charge of the nucleus to increase
  • Gamma Decay does not cause the mass or charge to change
  • Half-Life
    The time taken for half the nuclei in a sample to decay or the time taken for the activity or count rate of a sample to decay by half
  • The half-life of an isotope is a constant that enables the activity of a very large number of nuclei to be predicted during the decay
  • Short Half-Life
    The source presents less of a risk, as it does not remain strongly radioactive for a long time
  • Long Half-Life

    The source remains weakly radioactive for a long period of time
  • Net Decline
    The ratio of the decline of radioactive nuclei after X half-lives, calculated by halving the initial number of nuclei X times
  • Contamination
    The unwanted presence of radioactive atoms on other materials, where the hazard is the decaying of the contaminated atoms releasing radiation
  • Irradiation

    Exposing an object to nuclear radiation, but does not make it radioactive
  • Scientific reports on the effects of radiation on humans need to be peer reviewed to ensure accuracy and safety
  • Background Radiation

    Weak radiation that can be detected from natural / external sources such as cosmic rays, radiation from underground rocks, nuclear fallout, and medical rays
  • Radiation Dose

    Measured in Sieverts (Sv)
  • Uses of Radioactive Isotopes
    • Technetium as a medical tracer
    • Gamma emitters used in chemotherapy to control cancerous cells
  • Nuclear Fission

    1. The splitting of a large and unstable nucleus (e.g. uranium or plutonium), where the unstable nucleus absorbs a neutron, splits into two smaller nuclei, and emits two or three neutrons and gamma rays, releasing energy
    2. This can lead to a chain reaction if the neutrons collide with other radioactive nuclei
  • Nuclear Fusion
    When two small nuclei fuse to form a heavier nucleus, releasing energy
  • Fusion would be a more efficient way of producing energy compared to fission, but no design has been produced that could accomplish positive net energy on Earth