pmt definitions

Cards (41)

  • Amplitude
    The maximum displacement of a wave from its undisturbed (equilibrium) position
  • Angle of Incidence
    The angle between the incident ray and normal
  • Angle of Reflection
    The angle between the reflected ray and normal
  • Black
    An object will appear black if it absorbs all wavelengths of radiation incident on it
  • Colour Filters
    Filters that absorb certain wavelengths (colours) and transmit others
  • Colour
    Colour is determined by frequency and wavelength
  • A body remains at a constant temperature if it is absorbing radiation at the same rate that it is emitting it
  • Convex Lens

    A lens that brings parallel rays to focus at the principal focus. The image formed can be either real or virtual
  • Diffuse Reflection
    Reflection from a rough surface that results in scattering
  • Echo Sounding
    A technique that uses high frequency sound waves to detect objects in deep water and to measure the depth of water
  • Electromagnetic Waves

    Transverse waves that transfer energy from the source of the waves, to an absorber. They form a continuous spectrum of different frequencies and all travel at the same speed in a vacuum
  • Focal Length
    The distance between the centre of a lens and its principal focus
  • Frequency
    The number of waves passing a given point in a second. It is the inverse of the wave's period
  • Hertz
    The unit of frequency
  • Humans can hear sounds in the frequency range of 20Hz to 20kHz
  • Infrared Radiation
    A type of radiation that all objects emit and absorb. The hotter an object is, the greater the infrared radiation it emits in a given time
  • Infrared
    Used for cooking food, electrical heaters and infrared imaging
  • Ionising Radiation
    Radiation that can cause the mutation of genes and cause cancer. X-rays and gamma rays are both forms of ionising radiation
  • Lens
    An object that forms an image through the refraction of light
  • Longitudinal Waves
    Waves with oscillations that are parallel to the direction of travel/energy transfer
  • Magnification
    The ratio of the image height over the object height for a lens. Since it is a ratio, it has no units
  • Microwaves
    Used for satellite communications and for cooking food
  • Normal
    The normal is an imaginary reference line that is constructed perpendicular to a boundary at the point that the wave intercepts it
    1. Waves are longitudinal, seismic waves that travel at different speeds through solids and liquids
  • Perfect Black Body
    An object that absorbs all radiation incident on it and does not reflect or transmit any type of radiation
  • Period
    The time it takes for one complete wave to pass a given point. It is the inverse of frequency
  • Radiation Dose
    A measure of the risk of harm to the body as a result of radiation exposure
  • Radio Waves
    Used for television and radio signals. They can be produced by oscillations in electrical circuits
  • Reflection is when a wave bounces off a boundary. The angle of incidence always equals the angle of reflection
    1. Waves are transverse, seismic waves that cannot travel through liquids
  • Seismic Waves
    Waves that are produced by earthquakes
  • Sound Waves
    The longitudinal waves responsible for sound. In solids, sound waves are transmitted by the vibrations of the solid's particles
  • Specular Reflection
    Reflection from a smooth surface, in a single direction
  • Transverse Waves
    Waves with oscillations that are perpendicular to the direction of travel/energy transfer
  • Ultrasound Scanning
    A technique that involves ultrasound waves being transmitted and then partially reflected at a boundary before being detected by a detector. The time between transmission and detection can be used to calculate distances, and build up an image
  • Ultrasound Waves
    Waves that have a frequency higher than the upper limit of human hearing (20kHz)
  • Ultraviolet
    Used in energy efficient lamps and for sun tanning
  • Visible Light
    The only type of electromagnetic radiation that our eyes can detect. It is used for fibre optic communications
  • Wave Speed
    The speed at which energy is transferred through the medium. It is equal to the product of the wave's wavelength and frequency
  • Wavelength
    The distance from a point on one wave to the same point on the adjacent wave (ie. peak to peak or trough to trough)