
Cards (8)

  • Book 1:
    • tells Aeneas' fate to Venus
    • sends mercury to make Carthage hospitable for the Trojans
  • Book 2:
    • is destroying Troy with the other gods
    • sends 3 omens to Aeneas and his family, telling them to leave Troy
    • Sets Iulus' head on fire
    • sends thunder to confirm the omen
    • sends star to guide them out the city
  • Book 3:
    • sends Omen of 4 white horses - anchises says this means the land promises war and also peace
  • Book 4:
    • sends mercury to Carthage to remind Aeneas of his duty
  • Book 5:
    • sets Acestes' arrow on fire to show he was the rightful winner of the contest
    • sends a storm to put out the fire on the ships
  • Book 7:
    • sends 3 claps of thunder in response to Aeneas' prayers
  • Book 9:
    • allows the mother goddess to turn the Trojan ships into nymphs
    • shows support for Ascanius after he kills remulus
    • sends Iris to make Juno withdraw Turnus from the Trojan camp
  • Book 10:
    • summons a meeting of the gods about the war
    • says neither Trojan nor Rutulians should have divine intervention helping them
    • he allows Juno to take Turnus out of the battle