Submerged horizontal orientation, unlike most protein separations which use acrylamide polymers
Principle of separation for all electrophoresis
Movement of a charged molecule in a medium subjected to an electric field
Velocity (v)
Depends on electrical field (E), net charge on the molecule (q), and frictional coefficient (f)
Frictional coefficient (f)
Depends on the mass and shape of the molecule
A seaweed extract (red algae agar) that forms a linear polymer with helical fibers and aggregates creating channels for DNA and RNA molecules to migrate through by 'reptation' (snaking)
Mobility (μ)
Relates to agarose concentration (i) according to the equation: log μ = log μ0 - Kri
Agarose concentration and efficient range of separation of linear DNA molecules
0.3% - 5 to 60 kb
0.5% - 1 to 20 kb
0.7% - 0.8 to 10 kb
0.9% - 0.5 to 7 kb
1.2% - 0.4 to 6 kb
1.5% - 0.2 to 3 kb
2.0% - 0.1 to 2 kb
Supercoiled DNA
Tightly wound double-stranded plasmid DNA that migrates faster than relaxed circular or linear DNA
Relaxed circular DNA
Plasmid DNA with one strand cut, migrates slower than supercoiled
Linear DNA
Plasmid DNA with both strands cut, migrates at its true molecular mass
Single-stranded circular DNA
Denatured plasmid DNA, migrates faster than supercoiled
RNA contamination
Runs as a wide band at a much smaller molecular mass than plasmid or genomic DNA
Types of agarose
Molecular biology agarose
Low-melt agarose
PCR agarose
PCR low-melt agarose
Molecular biology agarose
General-purpose agarose with high exclusion limit, high gel strength, and ideal for preparative gels and DNA recovery
Low-melt agarose
Ideal for in-gel applications like ligation, PCR, restriction enzyme digestion, transformation, and sequencing
PCR agarose
High-strength agarose that forms flexible gels, ideal for DNA fragments <1,000 bp
PCR low-melt agarose
High sieving capacity, ideal for preparative electrophoresis and in-gel applications
Buffers used for DNA gel electrophoresis
Na Borate
TAE buffer
Use when DNA is to be recovered, good for large >12 kb DNA, low ionic strength and buffering capacity
TBE buffer
Use for <1 kb DNA, provides tighter bands with higher % gels, high ionic strength and buffering capacity, not best for recovering DNA
TPE buffer
High buffering capacity, good for recovering DNA, good for long runs
Na Borate buffer
Used for high voltages providing faster runs, limited resolution, best for quick analytical gels
EDTA is a chelator of divalent cations like Fe2+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ that are important for DNA enzyme activity and to limit metal-induced oxidation
TAE buffer
Best for quick analytical gels of purified DNA or restriction digests
50X TAE Stock preparation
1. 242.0 g Tris Base
2. 57.1 ml Glacial Acetic Acid
3. 18.61g Na2EDTA.2H2O
4. QS to 1.0 liter with water - do not adjust pH, but check...
1X TAE buffer
40 mM Tris pH 7.6-8.0, 20 mM acetic acid, 1 mM EDTA
10X TBE Stock preparation
1. 108.0 g Tris Base
2. 55.0g boric acid
3. 40 ml 0.5M EDTA (pH 8.0)
4. QS to 1.0 liter with water
1X TBE buffer
89 mM Tris pH 8.3, 89 mM boric acid, 2 mM EDTA
10X TPE Stock preparation
1. 108.0 g Tris Base
2. 15.5 ml 85% Phosphoric acid
3. 7.44 g Na2EDTA.2H2O
4. QS to 1.0 liter with water
1X TPE buffer
89 mM Tris pH 8.3, 89 mM boric acid, 2 mM EDTA
1X Na Borate (SB) preparation
1. Prepare 1M boric acid (6.1 g/100 ml water)
2. Carefully add 1.0 ml of 10 M NaOH to 500 ml water with stirring
3. Adjust pH of NaOH solution to pH 8.5 using a 1M Boric Acid slurry in a dropwise fashion
Boric acid may not go into solution easily, slightly warm and/or use as a well mixed slurry
Buffer Depth and Depletion: For any buffer the depth of buffer over the gel should range from 3 to 5 mm. Too much buffer will distort bands and cause heating and partial melting of the gel. Too little buffer and the gel is likely to partially dry out. Gel melting and band smearing is a tell-tale sign that the pH capacity of the buffer/gel has been depleted. This is mostly observed in longer runs in larger gels. Most mini-gels will not have this problem.
Edge Effects / Smiling Gels: An uneven gel will cause issues with the electrical current subjected to the gel. Increased thickness of gel at the edge decreases resistance. Higher current causes more rapid migration of DNA at edges. Both of these will cause a smiling or sad (frowning) shape to the DNA gel. Often the outer gel lanes are avoided, as this effect hard to prevent.
Gel Loading Dyes
The dyes xylene cyanol FF (XC) and bromophenol blue (BB) plus 30% glycerol in water are often used to help visualize where your samples are during loading the gel and to find the "leading edge" and middle sized samples of your samples during electrophoresis. The glycerol makes the final solutions dense so they sink to the bottom of the wells.
Using both dyes is helpful to see separation, BB is purpled and migrates at about the same rate as a linear double-stranded 400 bp DNA fragment whereas XC is blue-green and migrates at about the same rate as a 8000 bp DNA fragment. When BB reaches the end of the gel (about 2/3 of the way down the gel) the electrophoresis run is finished.
10X DNA loading dye preparation
1. 0.025g Xylene cyanol FF (0.25% w/v)
2. 0.025 g Bromophenol Blue (0.25% w/v)
3. 5.0 ml glycerol (5%)
4. 2 ml 500 mM EDTA (10 mM)
5. QS to 10 ml with TAE buffer
Substitutes for glycerol in DNA loading dye
Sucrose (40%), Ficol (25-30%) or glycerol (30-50%)
Optional additions to DNA loading dye
1 ml of 10% SDS to eliminate protein-DNA interactions
100 mM (in 10X stock) EDTA to avoid enzymatic degradation of DNA/RNA