What happens when a current flows through a conducting wire?
A magneticfield is produced around the wire.
How do we prove there is a magnetic field around a wire?
By using a compass. When the current is turned off, the compassneedlelinesup with the Earths magnetic field. However, if we turn the currenton, the compassneedledeflects which proves there is a magnetic field around the wire.
What does the strength of the magnetic field depend on?
The size of the current, a largercurrentproduces a stronger magnetic field. It is also strongest when it is closer to the wire, the further from the wire, the weaker the magneticfield gets.
What happens when we change the direction of the current?
We change the direction of the magneticfield, a compassplaced by this wire would deflect in the oppositedirection to before.
How do we work out the direction of the magnetic field produced by a wire?
Right-handgrip rule
How else do we increase the strength of the magnetic field?
By coiling the wire, this shape is called a solenoid. When we turnon the current, we get a strong and uniform magnetic field inside the solenoid. The magnetic filed around a solenoid has a similarshape to the magnetic field around a barmagnet.
What are the three ways we can increase the strength of the magnetic field produced by a solenoid?
Increase the size of the current.
Increase the number of turns of the coil.
Place a piece of ironinside the solenoid (ironcore).
What is a solenoid containing an iron core called?
Electromagnet, these are useful as we can change the strength of the magneticfield by changing the size of the current. They can also be turnedon and off.