
Cards (18)

  • Crick and Watson - discovered structure of DNA
  • Alexander Fleming - first to use penicillin, left
    notes about what he discovered
  • Florey and Chain - developed use of penicillin
  • Hereditary disease - an illness passed from parent
    to child
  • Magic bullet - a chemical which kills disease, but
    does not affect rest of body
  • Antibiotic - a treatment which destroys or stops
    growth of bacteria in the body
  • Penicillin - the first antibiotic
  • Genetics - information about a person stored on
    DNA in every cell.
  • Ideas about CAUSE of disease
    Scientific understanding of the cause of disease
    replaced ideas of Four Humours, miasma.
    Doctors use evidence based knowledge to diagnose
    Technology developed to diagnose:
    blood tests;
    ultrasound scans;
    endoscopes (camera which can see inside the body).
  • Ideas about CAUSE of disease
    Scientists realised that microbes could not cause all disease – some were hereditary
    1900 - a German scientist first came up with the theory of genetics, but microscopes weren't powerful enough to prove the idea.
    1953 -Watson and Crick discovered the shape of DNA. This meant they could find the part of the DNA which caused hereditary disease.
    Using this information, doctors can know if someone is likely to suffer from a hereditary illness, and take steps to prevent the impact
  • Ideas about CAUSE of disease
    During C20th we have better understood the impact of lifestyle choices on health.
    It is the biggest cause of preventable disease in the world now
    A poor diet with too much sugar or fat can cause heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
    Other lifestyle choices which can cause disease include:
    excessive alcohol,
    drug use,
    unprotected sex
  • Approaches to TREATMENT and PREVENTION
    Technology / Chemical cures:
    Magic bullet = attacks disease, not body
    Salvason 606 – first developed to attack syphilis
    Technology - helped to identify and combat diseases
    1911 - National Insurance Act only covered working men.
    1948 – to provide free healthcare for all from cradle to grave.
    Hospital, GP, dentist, ambulance, health visitor
    Ongoing debate about cost / quality of service
  • Approaches to TREATMENT and PREVENTION
    Government has assumed responsibility for public health
    Compulsory vaccinations
    Laws to provide healthy environment (eg Clean Air Act 1956)
    Communication about health risks of lifestyle choice (eg antismoking campaigns)
  • Case Study: Penicillin
    1871 - Joseph Lister used penicillin to treat a patient, but left
    no record of his discovery.
    1928 - Alexander Fleming noticed that in his lab, some mould
    was killing bacteria in a dirty petri dish. He didn’t study further but published his findings.
    Florey and Chain were studying antibiotics. They read Fleming’s work, 1940 tested successfully on mice but couldn’t produce large quantities.
    When US joined WWII 1941, Florey and Chain got backing from big American drug companies to mass produce.
  • Case Study: Lung Cancer
    Second most common cancer in UK. 85% of cases = smokers/exsmokers
    In C19th only 1% of cancers were lung cancer;
    1918 - 10%; 1927 - 14% (smoking was more popular due to advertising).
    Lung cancer hard to diagnose accurately by x-ray
    Now diagnosed by CT scan – more accurate.
    When diagnosed treatment can be:
    -remove infected part of lung
    -Transplant lung from healthy patient
    -Radiotherapy: attack the cancer with radiation
    -Chemotherapy: attack the cancer with chemicals.
  • Case Study: Lung Cancer
    Government saw smoking was a problem in 1950s, but made money from tobacco tax.
    Government action:
    -Advertising ban
    -Ban on smoking in public
    -Anti-smoking campaigns
    -Raising taxes
  • Examples of Change
    -Use of science to diagnose / understand disease
    -NHS healthcare free for all
    -Government taking responsibility for public health
    -Huge increase in the amount of treatments / surgery which can be given
    -Lifestyle factors have become an important cause of disease / death
  • Examples of Continuity
    Still unable to treat some illnesses such as cancer and viruses.