Immediate care

Cards (8)

  • Immediate care of the newborn
    Care for the newborn in the first 24 hours of life, a very significant and highly vulnerable time due to critical transition from intrauterine to extra uterine life. They are at risk of developing hypothermia or hypoglycemia.
  • Equipment for immediate care of the newborn
    • Radiant warmer and warm receiving blankets
    • Oxygen suction with sterile catheter
    • Oxygen mask with three different size
    • Laryngoscope with different sizes blades or airway
    • Endotracheal tubes with different size and satellite
    • Sterile gloves
    • Sterile scissor
    • Sterile clamp
    • Dry cotton and gauze
    • Cotton with alcohol
    • Paper bag
    • Vitamin k
    • Insulin syringe
    • Neonatal health card
    • Baby scale, measuring tape
    • Stethoscope
    • Rectal thermometer
    • Eye drop
    • Identification band
    • Baby clothes & Diaper
  • Care during labor and delivery
    1. Hand washing
    2. Prepare the equipment
    3. Prepare environment
    4. Assess the infant, place skin-to-skin or transfer to resuscitation bed
    5. Wipe mucus and fluid from infant nose and mouth
    6. Clamp and cut the umbilical cord
    7. Receive the baby in a clean warm blanket
    8. Transfer the baby to the heater
    9. Suction the newborn's nose and mouth
    10. Maintain a modified trendelinburg position
    11. Provide warmth by keeping the baby dry
    12. Assess the new born condition immediately after birth at 1, 5 and 10 minutes through Apgar score
    13. Cord care
    14. Take the growth Measurement for the baby
    15. Eye care
    16. Administer vitamin k
    17. Identification
    18. Examine the head, anterior and posterior ontanels, face and neck
    19. Assess the skin
    20. Examine the abdomen
    21. Examine the appropriateness of sex
    22. Provide suitable dress
    23. Take the new born away from the heater
    24. Clean and remove all equipment
    25. Record your finding
    26. Wash hand
  • Assessing the average newborn
  • APGAR score

    An easy, quick assessment tool used to assess the status of a newborn after birth performed at 1 minutes and 5 minutes after birth and 10 minutes if score 6 or less.
  • APGAR score components
    • Appearance (skin color)
    • Pulse (heart rate)
    • Grimace (reflex irritability)
    • Activity (muscle tone)
    • Respiratory (effort)
  • APGAR scoring table
    • Appearance: Complete pink body and face (2) | Pink body, blue limbs, pale body and face (1) | Pale or blue body and face (0)
    • Pulse: >100 b/m (2) | <100 b/m (1) | No HR or response (0)
    • Grimace: Crying, coughing or sneezing (2) | Grimace or puckering of face (1) | No response (0)
    • Activity: Active movement, waving arms or legs (2) | Some response to stimulation (1) | No movement of legs, arms, Palm (0)
    • Respiratory: Strong cry (2) | Slow irregular breathing or week cry (1) | No cry or breathing (0)
  • APGAR score classification and intervention
    • 7-10: Normal, Routine post delivery care
    • 4-6: Moderate asphyxia, Some resuscitation (oxygen, suction, stimulate baby, rub baby)
    • 0-3: Severe asphyxia, Full resuscitation