Objectives and activities in relation to interactions with other states, unions and politicalentities, whether bilaterally or throughout multilateral platforms
Sino-Soviet Treaty
A treaty between Mao and Stalin in 1950, with 3 conditions: 1) ChinajoinstheKorean War, 2) Repay $300millionloan, 3) Houseandpay10,000Sovietemployees
The Sino-Soviet Treaty
Provided an opportunity for Mao to turn to the Chinese people and rallythemagainst the Soviet Union's demands
The relationship between China and the Soviet Union deteriorated over the next 9 years, leading to the Sino-SovietSplit
Sino-Soviet Split
Occurred over 3 years from 1959-1962, as the SovietUnion heavily criticized China and Mao, leading to China publicly breaking away from the Soviet Union
The Cuban Missile Crisis
Brought the US and SovietUnion closest to nuclear war, leading other countries to criticize them, which gave Mao the opportunity to publicly split from the Soviet Union
In 1962, Mao announced China's split from the Soviet Union, criticizing them on the global stage
In 1962, China produced its first nuclear weapon, called the 596, named after the year the Soviet Union insulted Mao
Mao's policies towards the US from 1950-1970
Were focused on anger, hatred and aggression
In 1970, Mao changed tactics
Decided to start working with the US to weaken the Soviet Union, with the goal of then destroying the US and becoming the dominantworldpower
Mao's relationship with the US fluctuated up and down from 1970-1976, until after Mao's death when China-US relations started improving