Lecture 9 - Asexual Reproduction: Cloning

Cards (23)

  • What is Cloning 
    • Is the process that produces identical copies of genes, cells or organisms
  • Types of Cloning 
    1. Gene Cloning
    2. Therapeutic Cloning
    3. Reproductive cloning
  • Gene Cloning is the practice of manipulating DNA to make multiple copies of a gene or a piece of DNA in foreign cells. 
    • Practical Applications - mass production of insulin
  • Therapeutic Cloning is the production of genetically identical cells.
    • Practical Applications - organ/tissue growing
  • Reproductive cloning is the process of producing genetically identical organisms. ex: Dolly the sheep.
    • Practical Applications - repopulate endangered species 
  • Gene Cloning 
    • Bacteria have a large circular chromosome as well as many smaller circular structures called plasmids. These plasmids are an important tool in recombinant DNA techniques. 
  • Gene Cloning
    A) Bacterium
    B) bacterial
    C) Chromosome
    D) plasmid
  • Gene Cloning
    A) Human Cell
    B) Insulin Gene
    C) DNA
    D) enzyme
    E) insulin gene
  • Gene cloning
    A) complimentary ends
    B) antibiotic resistance gene
    C) same enzyme
    D) antibiotic resistance gene
  • Diagram
    A) insulin
    B) gene
    C) recombinant
    D) DNA
  • Gene cloning
    A) transformation
  • gene cloning
    A) hybridization
    B) antibiotic resistance gene

    • From our knowledge of Cloning, Geneticists of developed techniques of inserting foreign DNA in plants and animals to produce Transgenic Organisms
    • These are a type of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)
    For example: Spider silk, BT corn, etc.
    A) TWINS
    A) Dolly
  • History
    For thousands of years humans have used reproductive technologies for the development of their livestock and plants.
    Today we are able to use this knowledge to manipulate organisms genetically in new ways in Agriculture & Humans 
  • Reproductive Technologies in Agriculture
    • Farmers carefully select plants and animals with specific desirable traits for breeding - Selective Breeding 
  • Reproductive Technologies in Agriculture
    • Technologies that help with this:
    1. Artificial Insemination: the process by which sperm are collected and concentrated before being introduced into the female’s reproductive system
    2. Embryo Transfer: The process by which an egg that has been fertilized artificially is transferred into a recipient female’s uterus. 
    • Reproductive Technologies in Humans
    There are a number of reproductive technologies that are now available for couple who are not able to conceive a child
    • These are often referred to as Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)
    • It is important to note that as these ART technologies led to cures, treatments and new inventions that they also stir controversy ~ Catholicism  
  • Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) ~ Sexual Reproduction
    1. Artificial Insemination
    2. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
    3. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
    1. Artificial Insemination
    • The sperm of the desired male are collected and concentrated. Concentrated sperm is then introduced into the woman's vagina. This allows sperm from the woman's male partner or from an unknown source to be used in implantation
    I.e. sperm bank.
    1. In Vitro Fertilization 
    Also known as “IVF” &  babies conceived this way are known as “Test tube babies”. This is beneficial for women who have blocked Fallopian tubes. Immature eggs are retrieved from that woman.
    Eggs are combined with sperm in Laboratory glassware (In Vitro) where sperm fertilizes egg. The developing embryo is then placed in the uterus.
    1. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis
     Families who have a history of genetic disorders in their family may use this.

    This is used soon after IVF fertilization so that Doctors may diagnose genetic disorders (before implanted in uterus).

    Embryos are analyzed for the presence of a genetic disorder and only the healthy ones are implanted.

    This technique is also used to “engineer” genetic matches in another sibling i.e. able to donate umbilical cord blood that has stem cells.