Discovery of oncogenes stemmed from research into transforming properties of viruses
First identified oncogene: Src
Ellermann and Bang (1908)
Reported that particles that could pass through filters (viruses) caused erythro-myeloblastic leukemia in chickens
Peyton Rous (1911)
Isolated filterable agent from the sarcoma in the breast muscle of a hen. Rous Sarcoma Virus
Temin and Rubin (1950s)
RSV can cause cancer like foci in normal cells
Initially identified as genes carried by viruses that cause transformation of target cells. Known as v-onc or viral oncogenes
Viral oncogene of RSV had been captured from host cells and modified
Cellular counterparts of viral oncogenes, involved in normal signalling in the cell
Activated oncogene
Switched off less frequently or not at all
How oncogenes are activated
Variety of ways genes can change
Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF)
Has A chain and B chain, mechanism of activation is quantitative (amplify rather than genetic changes in coding sequence), occurs in osteosarcoma (A chain dimers) and fibrosarcoma (B chain dimers)
Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
Quantitative, occurs in breast cancer
Erb-B (EGFR)
Qualitative: Truncated receptor, occurs in avian erythroblastosis v-erb-B. Quantitative: Increased expression-gene amplification, occurs in squamous carcinoma, skin, lung
Signalling by ErbB homodimers vs ErbB2-containing heterodimers
ErbB2 can dimerise with any of the other erb - hetero, resultant signalling is long lasting, receptor expressed for a prolonged period of time
Normal vs mutated HER protein
Mutation turns valine to glutamine, causes ligand independent homodimerisation and continuous phosphorylation and signalling. Mutation can also cause truncated protein to be expressed
Signalling pathway of EGF binding to its receptor
Receptor dimerisation → GRB2 binds pTyr and brings Sos to Ras → GEFs activate GTPases
A GTP binding transducer, oncogene
GTP Binding transducers: G protein cycle
In normal: RAS is bound to GDP, when activated GDP is replaced by GTP, leads to phosphorylation of Raf kinase leading to mapk/erk kinase phosphorylation
Failure of GAP (GTPase activating protein) can cause uncontrolled Ras signalling and lead to diseases like Neurofibromatosis and Proteus Syndrome
Signal transduction
Flips molecular switches regulated by phosphorylation of tyrosine/serine residues or GDP/GTP switch
Result of RAS getting switched on
Activates RAF kinase, MEK, ERK, leading to transcription factor activation and cell proliferation
MAP kinase cascade
Mitogen-Activated Protein: activated by a mitosis-stimulating growth factor
Resembles ras
Change from GTP to GDP
Facilitation by GAP and GEF
RAS getting switched on results in...
Small (molecular weight 21 kDa) proteins that bind guanine nucleotides and have GTPase activity
Codes for amino acid 12 glycine which is located in the GTP binding domain of the protein, crucial for GTP hydrolysis
Mutant RAS
RAS becomes an oncogene by amino acid 12 being changed to code for any other amino acid besides proline, no longer able for GTP hydrolysis, therefore constantly bound to GTP
RAS effectors and their biological responses
Fusion chromosome leads to CML chronic myelogenous leukemia
SH2 domains bind to phosporylated tyrosines
SH3 Domains bind to prolinery regions
Kinase domain - also known as SH1 domain
Mutated Src as an oncogene
Loses the tyr527 by truncating it, making the kinase domain of src inaccessible and inactive
Immediately downstream of ras, activated by ras
Mechanism of activation of turning raf to oncogene
Rearrangement leads to replacement of N-terminal region and deregulated kinase, or point-mutation
Gene amplification leads to 200-2000 kbp amplicon, correlates with poor prognosis
Made of 2 components c-fos and c-jun, mutations in either can dysregulate AP1 and lead to overexpression of target genes
Transcriptional regulator that induces the expression of multiple pro-oncogenic drivers