morphogenic signalling pathways are important for development, specifically planar cell polarity (PCP) which is the local action of morphogens in action -> the polarization of a field of cells within a plane/sheet, not just a single cell
PCP can be apical/basal, proximal/distal, etc.
Wnt signalling has very localized action and creates very steep gradients (has impact at high concentrations, not low/moderate since it rapidly dilutes out)
Wnt ligands are small proteins and are covalently attached to a lipid tail through palmitoylation at the N terminus so they can't travel far because membrane bound
Wnt ligand and Frizzled receptors (type of GPCR) have many different types
absence of Wnt ligand -> protein complex forms to degrade beta-catenin
no Wnt ligand -> Frizzled and LRP (co-receptor) and associated protein Dishevelled are unengaged -> destruction complex forms which activates its kinases -> this causes the phosphorylation, ubiquitination, and destruction of beta-catenin protein and the target genes of beta-catenin (Wnt) are further inactivated by Groucho with LEF1/TCF
presence of Wnt ligand -> destruction complex dissociates, beta-catenin stabilized which leads to transcription
Wnt ligand binds Frizzled, LRP recruited and engaged in active complex -> Frizzled GPCR (with TM 5 pulled into cavity) recruits Dishevelled -> Dishevelled dissociate axin and APC from destruction complex -> CK1 and GSK3 kinases can phosphorylate LRP to enhance dissociation -> axin binds Dishevelled and phosphorylated LRP -> beta-catenin escapes degradation and enters the nucleus -> binds to factors and displaces Groucho repressor -> target genes (Wnt) activated for transcription
Frizzled/Wnt in PCP and morphogenesis
Frizzled and Dishevelled bound to Wnt -> Vang/Fmi in the same cell will bind to another cell's Frizzled and Dishevelled -> this complex represses response to Wnt/impairs normal activation by Wnt so each cell accepts Wnt signal from ONE side but not the other -> PCP established -> polarization!
polarization causes cells to have a leading edge that are always receptive to Wnt signalling and the other isn't, Frizzled will always be engaged in a protein/protein interaction which either activates (Wnt) or outcompetes for Wnt (Vang)