Androgyny & BSRI

    Cards (13)

    • Androgyny
      Balance of masculine and feminine characteristics in one's personality
    • Androgyny example
      • David Beckham as competitive and aggressive on the field but balanced with being a caring and sensitive father
    • BSRI
      Bem Sex Role Inventory in 1974
    • High androgyny
      Associated with psychological wellbeing
    • Androgynous people
      • More comfortable with who they are because there aren't expectations forced upon them
      • Can handle situations in flexible ways, thus, better equipped to adapt in contexts non-androgynous would find difficult
      • Psychologically healthier because they don't suppress themselves to fit in with sex-role stereotypes
    • BSRI traits
      • 20 masculine
      • 20 feminine
      • 20 neutral
    • BSRI scoring
      Rate yourself from 1 – 7 (1 = never true of me) (7 = always true of me)
    • BSRI gender classifications
      • High masculine, low feminine = masculine
      • High feminine, low masculine = feminine
      • High masculine, high feminine = androgynous
      • Low feminine, low masculine = undifferentiated
    • Support - BSRI's methodology
      • Reliable and valid: 50 male and 50 female, piloted with 1000 students; follow-up with smaller sample showed similar scores - most of the classification given by the BSRI agreed w/ pilot student's own perception of their gender identity, their perception of their gender identity didn't change therefore wasn't a one-off therefore suggests high validity and high test-retest reliability
    • Challenges to links between wellbeing and androgyny

      Adams & Sherer 1985 = masculine-trait people better adjusted due to Western society - [Bem = androgynous people are more psychologically healthy because can deal w/ masculine., feminine or androgynous demanding situations] challenged because masc traits are more accepted in West and Bem was applying West standard therefore not culturally sensitive and ignores social and cultural context
    • Lack of temporal validity of BSRI
      BSRI developed 40 years ago, scale devised by US judges panel - 'typical' and 'acceptable' behaviours now outdated (eg; childlike and gullible = feminine), West notions of 'maleness' and 'femininity' not shared across cultures therefore Bem's criteria outdated due to social changes
    • Limitations of questionnaires
      Gender is a hypothetical construct, more open to interpretation, P's have to rate and score themselves - relies on understanding of behaviour and personality P may not have; down to P's own meaning of 7-point-scale, subjective scoring therefore open for social desirability bias, questionable internal validity
    • Gender identity cannot be reduced to a single score
      Golombok & Fivush 1994 = it's a global concept - must be fully understood by considering broader issues such as interests and perception of own abilities therefore reductionist – suggests gender identity can be quantified
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