Reliable and valid: 50 male and 50 female, piloted with 1000 students; follow-up with smaller sample showed similar scores - most of the classification given by the BSRI agreed w/ pilot student's own perception of their gender identity, their perception of their gender identity didn't change therefore wasn't a one-off therefore suggests high validity and high test-retest reliability
Challenges to links between wellbeing and androgyny
Adams & Sherer 1985 = masculine-trait people better adjusted due to Western society - [Bem = androgynous people are more psychologically healthy because can deal w/ masculine., feminine or androgynous demanding situations] challenged because masc traits are more accepted in West and Bem was applying West standard therefore not culturally sensitive and ignores social and cultural context
BSRI developed 40 years ago, scale devised by US judges panel - 'typical' and 'acceptable' behaviours now outdated (eg; childlike and gullible = feminine), West notions of 'maleness' and 'femininity' not shared across cultures therefore Bem's criteria outdated due to social changes
Gender is a hypothetical construct, more open to interpretation, P's have to rate and score themselves - relies on understanding of behaviour and personality P may not have; down to P's own meaning of 7-point-scale, subjective scoring therefore open for social desirability bias, questionable internal validity
Gender identity cannot be reduced to a single score
Golombok & Fivush 1994 = it's a global concept - must be fully understood by considering broader issues such as interests and perception of own abilities therefore reductionist – suggests gender identity can be quantified