Biological Theories

Cards (10)

  • Strengths of XYY Theory

    • A study was done on prison inmates and it found that a significant number of them had the extra Y chromosome
  • Weaknesses of XYY Theory

    • Having an extra Y chromosome does not pre-determine criminality and it does not therefore mean that a person will become a criminal
    • Ignores the fact that many people in the general population have an extra Y chromosome but are 'non-criminal'
  • Strengths of Mednick-Adoption studies
    • It does support the fact that there is a genetic component to criminality
    • Overcomes the problem faced by twin studies, where biologically identical twins are brought up in the same household, which makes it impossible to separate out the influence of genes from that of the environment
  • Weaknesses of Mednick-Adoption studies
    • The study sample was small and therefore may not be fully reliable
    • Adopted children are often placed in environments SIMILAR to those of their birth family e.g. live locally
  • Strengths of Twin studies
    • Research support - Christiansen (1977) examined over 3500 twin pairs in Denmark and identified a higher concordance rate of criminality between identical (MZ) twins (who share 100% of genes) compared to non-identical (DZ) twins-including criminality is genetic
  • Weaknesses of Twin studies
    • However, concordance rates are never 100% indicating that criminality is not entirely genetic, but must be in part caused by upbringing
  • Strengths of Lombroso-Born Criminal Theory

    • He's one of the first scientists to Investigate links between physiology and criminality
  • Weaknesses of Lombroso-Born Criminal Theory
    • Lombroso was criticized for being prejudiced against a person's physical traits
    • Many people have the characteristics that Lombroso lists (e.g. big ears, big nose etc) but are not criminals
  • Strengths of Sheldon-Body Types

    • His study did find that the majority of criminals were mesomorphic-
  • Weaknesses of Sheldon-Body Types
    • A person's body shape may change over time. Does this mean that criminality can therefore change?