The genetic code has been confirmed in studies of Phage MS2
MS2 is a bacteriophage with only 3 (now actually 4; genes to make- lysis protein, coat protein, maturation protein, and replace protein) genes on a 3500-base RNA genome
Sequencing of the gene products confirmed the genetic code
These genes specify a coat protein, an RNA-directed replicase, and a maturation protein
mtDNA revealed some exceptions to the universal genetic code. UGA is NOT a stop codon here.
Different initiation points create overlapping genes
In some viruses, overlapping genes (open reading frame ORF) have been identified in which initiation at different AUG positions out of frame with one another leads to distinct polypeptides
Transcription synthesizes RNA on a DNA template
RNA is synthesized on a DNA template by the process of transcription
The genetic information stored in DNA in transferred to RNA, which serves as the intermediate molecule between DNA and proteins
Studies with bacteria and phages provided evidence for the existence of mRNA
Analysis of RNA produced immediately after bacteriophage infection of E. coli shows that the base composition of the newly synthesized RNA resembles that of the phage DNA and not that of the bacterial host. This suggests that RNA synthesis may be a preliminary step in protein synthesis.
RNA polymerase directs the synthesis of RNA using a DNA template. No primer is required for initiation, and the enzyme uses ribonucleotides instead of deoxyribonucleotides.
RNA polymerase from E. coli contains the subunits, a, B, B’, w, and o
Active form of RNA polymerase contains a2, B, B’, and o with a molecular weight of 500,000 Da