What is the recommended method for laboratory diagnosis of Iodamoeba bütschlii?
Examination of stool samples
Which staining method is particularly beneficial for identifying I. bütschlii cysts?a)Gram stainingb) Acid-fast stainingc) Trichrome stainingd) Iodine wet prep
Iodine wet prep
What characteristic feature of I. bütschlii cysts can be recognized using the iodine stain?
Glycogen mass
How does the glycogen mass in I. bütschlii cysts behave when stained with trichrome?
It remains unstained.
Which of the following is NOT a method for diagnosing Iodamoeba bütschlii?a)Examination of stool samplesb) Iodine wet prepc) Trichrome stainingd) Blood culture