Laboratory Diagnosis

Cards (5)

  • What is the recommended method for laboratory diagnosis of Iodamoeba bütschlii?
    Examination of stool samples
  • Which staining method is particularly beneficial for identifying I. bütschlii cysts?a)Gram stainingb) Acid-fast stainingc) Trichrome stainingd) Iodine wet prep
    Iodine wet prep
  • What characteristic feature of I. bütschlii cysts can be recognized using the iodine stain?
    Glycogen mass
  • How does the glycogen mass in I. bütschlii cysts behave when stained with trichrome?
     It remains unstained.
  • Which of the following is NOT a method for diagnosing Iodamoeba bütschlii?a)Examination of stool samplesb) Iodine wet prepc) Trichrome stainingd) Blood culture
    Blood culture