2.3 Employment

Cards (24)

  • Employment rate is the number of those in work divided by the population of working age expressed as a percentage.
  • Unemployment rate is the proportion of the working age population seeking work (economically active) but who do not have a job.
  • Voluntary unemployment is a situation arising when an individual chooses not to accept a job at the going wage rate.
  • Involuntary unemployment:
    a situation arising when an individual who would like to accept a job at the going wage rate is unable to find employment.
  • Economically inactive are those who are of working age but are neither in work nor actively seeking work (and so are not in the labour force).
  • full employment is when all those who are economically active and are willing and able to work (at the going wage rate) have a job.
  • Occupational immobility is the inability of workers to move from one job to another in a different industry due to barriers
  • Geographical immobility is the inability of workers to move from one job in a particular area to a job in another area.
  • Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a measure of the percentage of the workforce who are without jobs but are actively seeking and available for work, whether or not they are claiming benefits.
  • LFS disadvantage is that the estimate is calculated by surveying 60,000 households and extrapolating from the data sample to give an estimate of unemployment in the whole country, & so is therefore unlikely to be wholly accurate.
  • Claimant count is the method of measuring unemployment according to those people who are claiming unemployment - related benefits (Jobseeker's Allowance)
  • Claimant count advantages is that it can be conducted cheaply & easily as the government already has a record of those claiming JSA.
  • Claimant count disadvantages is that it excludes those who don't claim JSA.
    Impossible to make accurate international comparisons as not every country has a benefits system.
    Universal credit has distorted the Claimant Count measure.
  • Frictional unemployment is unemployment associated with job searching. It is those who are between jobs. It will always exist.
  • Cyclical unemployment is unemployment that arises throughout the course of the economic cycle: it rises during economic downturns and falls when the economy improves.
  • Demand-deficient unemployment is unemployment that arises because of a deficiency of aggregate demand in the economy, so that the equilibrium level of output is below full employment
  • seasonal unemployment is unemployment that arises during certain seasons of the year.
  • Structural unemployment is unemployment that occurs when workers' skills do not match the jobs that are available, due to changes in the pattern of economic activity within an economy.
  • Costs of Unemployment are
    Lost output.
    Lower living standards.
    Drop in tax revenues & higher welfare = budget deficit.
    Unemployed may move overseas.
    Increase in relative poverty.
    Extra demands on NHS.
    Social problems.
    Labour scarring & hysteresis effects.
  • Benefits of unemployment are:
    Increases the pool of potential workers.
    Keeps both wages and salaries down - inflation is lower.
    Individuals can benefit from moving jobs.
    Insentive to gain or retain skills.
    Rise in self-employment start-ups.
  • Effects of full employment:
    Maximises potential output of the economy.
    Could result in demand-pull inflation/cost push inflation
    Inequality may fall.
    Reduced crime/social conflicts.
    Increased consumer/business confidence.
    Improvement of the government budget position.
    There could be underemployment though.
  • Discouraged workers are individuals who would like to work but have given up looking for a job
  • Labour market participation rate:
    the proportion of the working age population who are economically active in the labour force (in work or actively seeking work).
  • LFS advantages is that the measure can be used to make international comparisons. The definition corresponds with that used by the International Labour organisation.