NCM 101 - Eyes

Cards (92)

  • Numerator is the distance between the client and the snellen chart

    Visual acuity test
  • Near vision test that is for 40 years old and above. Holding it should be at only 14 inches

    Jaeger Test
  • The hardest layer of the eyes where the eye muscle are attached
  • Middle layer of the eye
  • plenty of arteries that will supply glucose and oxygen to the eye
  • Inner layer of the eye
  • It dos not contain any arteries therefore the choroid will be the one to supply glucose and oxygen
  • The Retina consists of numerous layers of nerve cells, including the cells commonly called
    Rods and Cones
  • This specialized nerve cells in the retina are often called to as
  • This nerve cells works on night time to see gray and white
  • This nerve cells works on daytime to see RBG colors
  • Iris
    Upper and lower eyelid
    Parts of the external eye
  • Circular muscle - to constrict the pupil when exposed to the light
  • To dilate the pupil to see at night or dim environments
    Radial muscle
  • The central aperture of the iris
  • muscles in the iris adjust to control the pupil’s size, which control the amount of light entering the eye
  • A biconvex, transparent, avascular, encapsulated structure located immediately posterior to the iris.
  • functions to refract (bend) the light rays on to the retina
  • The lens bulges to focus on
    close objects
  • The lens flattens to focus on
    far objects
  • what time the baby can focus only on objects 1foot away
    first week to 3 months
  • The babies able to see colors and perceive depth, and have the ability to focus with both eyes
    4 to 6 months
  • babies have 20/20 vision adult level and can recognize people

    8 months
  • They produce 3 months after delivery

    Tears and lacrimal glands
  • Infants can cry the 1st month or 2 but no tears
  • 1.5 ft distant from the baby, get a toy and move the ball to the right and left and observe the movement of the eye

    Fixation test for infants
  • If the baby refuses to cover their eyes, the test will be considered failed and may be signs of abnormality
  • Other name for corneal light reflex
    Hirschberg test
  • Muscle strength and position of the eye can also be determined by light reflex
  • CN III - Oculomotor nerve
    CN IV - Trochlear nerve
    CN VI - Abducens
    3 cranial nerve of the eye
  • Cranial nerve responsible for the movement of the eye in upward and downward motion
    CN III - oculomotor nerve
  • Cranial nerve that control the superior oblique muscle
    CN IV Trochlear nerve
  • Cranial nerve that controls the eye lateral and medial
    CN VI Abducens
  • Impaired vision 

  • Distance between the snellen chart and the client
  • The grade in what the client can only read
  • What grade is when the client considered legally blind
  • Impaired near vision
  • Indicated when the client moves the chart away from the eyes to focus on the print due to decreased accommodation and common over 45 years of age

  • This is done to assess neurological disorders and peripheral vision
    Gross peripheral vision