Cards (5)

  • Step 1 (Production of Insulin)
    • Human insulin gene is isolated
    • Insulin gene is isolated so that segment of gene that is inserted is very small
    • Restriction enzyme cuts the restriction site of the gene
    • Sticky ends are produced at both ends of the gene
  • Step 2 (Production of Insulin)
    • A plasmid is removed from a bacterium (E.coli)
    • Plasmid is cut with the same restriction enzyme
    • Same restriction enzyme is used so that same sticky ends at human insulin gene and plasmid have complementary shape
    • The sticky ends produced complementary to those of the insulin gene
  • Step 3 (Production of Insulin)
    • Insulin gene and the cut plasmid bind by complementary base pairing between their sticky ends
    • DNA ligase binds adjacent nucleotides and seals the gene to the plasmid
    • A recombinant plasmid is formed
  • Step 4 (Production of Insulin)
    • Recombinant plasmid enters an E.coli bacterium
    • A transgenic bacterium is produced
    • E.coli bacteria is used because bacteria are single celled and rapidly reproduce, increases insulin production
  • Step 5 (Production of Insulin)

    • Since bacteria should not be injected into insulin patients, insulin hormone is extracted by lysis
    • Then it is purified to remove bacteria cell protoplasm
    • Lysis - breakdown of cell cause by damage to its plasma membrane
    • Bacteria is cultured using a bioreactor so that more insulin manufacturing bacteria can be produced