Inspect for precordium movement at the 5th intercostal space, left midclavicular line.
Precordial impulses
are pulsations originating from the heart or great vessels that are visible or palpable on the anterior chest wall.
Aortic, Pulmonic, Erb's Point, Tricuspid, Mitral
Traditional landmark location:
it is the point of maximum impulse
Palpate for Carotid pulses one at a time
Auscultate the heart in the traditional landmarks in left side-lying and leaning forward positions
Hepatojugular reflux
is the distension of the neck veins precipitated by the maneuver of firm pressure over the liver.
Hepatojugular reflux
It is seen in tricuspid regurgitation, heart failure due to other non-valvular causes, and other conditions including constrictive pericarditis, cardia tamponade, and inferior vena cava obstruction