Listening in Detail by Alexandra Vazquez

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  • In "Listening in Detail," what does Alexandra Vazquez explore the concept of?
    Sonic Culture
  • According to Vazquez, what does "listening in detail" involve?
    Engaging with the nuances of sound within a cultural framework
  • What role does technology play in shaping sonic culture, according to Vazquez?
    Amplifying inequalities within sonic culture
  • Which term does Vazquez use to describe the listening practices that emerge from marginalized communities in New York City?
    Sonic citizenship
  • According to Vazquez, how are listening practices influenced
    They are fluid and context-dependent
  • What discipline(s) does Vazquez draw upon to explore the complexities of sonic culture?
    Sociology and anthropology
  • What does Vazquez argue about music's relationship with culture?
    It is deeply intertwined with social and political contexts
  • How does Vazquez challenge traditional notions of music scholarship?
    By incorporating interdisciplinary approaches
  • What is the overarching goal of "Listening in Detail"?
    To explore connections between sonic culture and political resistance
  • Which term does Vazquez use to describe the "state of listening"?
    Sonic sovereignty
  • In what city does Vazquez primarily focus her exploration of sonic culture?
    New York City
  • How does Vazquez view the relationship between technology and sonic culture?
    As a barrier to inclusivity
  • What term does Vazquez use to describe the way people interact with sound in everyday life?
    Sonic Citizenship
  • According to Vazquez, what aspect of music is often overlooked in traditional scholarship?
    Socio-political context
  • What does Vazquez argue about listening practices in marginalized communities?
    They reflect deep cultural engagement and resistance
  • Which term does Vazquez use to describe the way marginalized communities assert control over their sonic environments?
    Sonic Sovereignity
  • How does Vazquez suggest music functions within cultural contexts?
    As a means of expressing identity and resistance
  • What does Vazquez mean by "sonic landscape"?
    The auditory environment shaped by sound
  • According to Vazquez, how do listening practices vary across different cultural contexts?
    They are influenced by socio-political factors
  • What is one of the central arguments made by Vazquez in "Listening in Detail"?
    Sonic culture is deeply intertwined with social and political contexts