“grindstone” is an antiquated image used in biblical times which is important because Scrooge will undergo a Christian conversion
greedy, refuses to give to the poor
”tight-fisted” also has connotations of protectiveness, perhaps Scrooge is trying to shield himself because he’s been hurt before.
“Squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, covetous old sinner”
Asyndetic listing
“sinner” is a Christian term
over-exaggeration creates a humorous tone, the Audience will accept his redemption at the end.
“If they would rather die they had better do it and decrease the surplus population”
Malthusian theory - it was pointless feeding the poor because they would have more children that‘ll be poor which could spread poverty and lead to more mouths to feed.
People thought that poor people were poor because they were lazy
dickens wants to show this is nonsensical
important so the ghost of Christmaspresent repeats it back to him because.
Tiny Tim is disabled so can’t do the physical jobs available to the poor
“A merry Christmas, bob“ “i’ll raise your salary”
Stave 5
dickens may be saying that charity is not as important as sustainable wages
charity may only happen at Christmas and not really have much effect but wages will help “assist struggling families“