The volume of water in cubic metres per second flowing in a river
High levels of runoff increase the discharge of a river because more water makes it into the river increasing its volume
A graph of river discharge over time
Flood hydrographs
Also called storm hydrographs, they show river discharge around the time of a storm event and only cover a relatively short time period (hours or days)
Peak discharge
The highest point on the hydrograph, when the river discharge is at its greatest
Lag time
The delay between peak rainfall and peak discharge, because it takes time for the rainwater to flow into the river
Rising limb
The part of the hydrograph up to peak discharge, where river discharge increases as rainwater flows into the river
Falling limb
The part of the hydrograph after peak discharge, where discharge is decreasing because less water is flowing into the river
Bankfull discharge
The point when the water level reaches the top of the river channel
A basin with rapid runoff and not much storage capacity gives a hydrograph with a short lag time and high peak discharge, called a "flashy" hydrograph
Factors affecting runoff and hydrograph shape
Size of drainage basin
Shape of drainage basin
Ground steepness
Rock and soil type
Larger drainage basins catch more precipitation, so they have a higher peak discharge than smaller basins
Smaller basins generally have shorter lag times because precipitation has less distance to travel, so it reaches the main channel more quickly
Circular basins are more likely to have a flashy hydrograph than long, narrow basins because all points on the watershed are roughly the same distance from the point of discharge measurement
Water flows more quickly downhill in steep-sided drainage basins, shortening lag time, and also means water has less time to infiltrate the soil, so runoff is higher
Impermeable rocks and soils don't store water or let water infiltrate, increasing surface runoff and peak discharge
Intense storms generate more precipitation and greater peak discharges than light rain showers
Larger inputs of water can cause flows and stores to increase in size, and some flows may not be able to occur rapidly enough, increasing runoff
In the UK, winters are normally wetter than summers
During winter, temperatures may drop below 3°C, causing water to freeze, which can reduce the size of flows through drainage basins, while the store of frozen water grows
When temperatures increase again, flows through drainage basins and output can be much larger as the ice melts
Most plants show seasonal variation in evapotranspiration, usually decreasing in winter as vegetation intercepts less precipitation and slows its movement to the river channel
The more vegetation there is in a drainage basin, the more water is lost through transpiration and evaporation directly from the vegetation before it reaches the river channel, reducing runoff and peak discharge
Human activities affecting the water cycle
Farming practices
Water abstraction
Land use change
The process of water entering the soil surface
Ploughing breaks up the surface so more water can infiltrate, reducing the amount of runoff
Crops increase infiltration and interception compared to bare ground, reducing runoff, but also increasing evapotranspiration
Livestock trampling and compacting the soil decreases infiltration and increases runoff
Irrigation can increase runoff if some of the water can't infiltrate, and can also reduce groundwater or river levels if water is extracted for irrigation
Deforestation reduces the amount of water intercepted by vegetation, increasing the amount that reaches the surface, and also reduces infiltration due to the loss of dead plant material on the forest floor
Construction of new buildings and roads creates an impermeable layer over the land, preventing infiltration and massively increasing runoff, resulting in water passing through the system much more rapidly and making flooding more likely
Water abstraction (taking water from stores) to meet demand in areas with high population density reduces the amount of water in stores such as lakes, rivers, reservoirs and groundwater
During dry seasons, even more water is abstracted from stores, especially groundwater and reservoirs, for consumption and irrigation, further depleting the stores