
Cards (10)

    • Methods of communication between infant and carer
    • Interactional synchrony
    • Reciprocity
    • Mimicking
    • Bodily contact
    • Caregiverese
  • Caregiver-infant interactions
    Deep and lasting emotional bonds between infants and caregivers, where both feel more secure when close
  • Reciprocity
    • Mutual turn-taking form of interaction, where both caregiver and infant contribute by responding to each other's signals and cues
  • Interactional synchrony
    • Simultaneous interaction between infant and caregiver, with matching coordinated behavior and emotional states
  • Imitation
    • Infant directly copies the caregiver's expressions
  • Sensitive responsiveness
    • Adult caregiver correctly interprets and appropriately responds to the infant's communication
  • Meto and mo study found that infants aged 12-21 days could observe and reciprocate facial gestures through imitation
  • Cohn and Tronick study found evidence of interactional synchrony and coordination in neonate-adult interactions
  • Findings in caregiver-infant interaction research depend on inferences and assumptions about the infant's internal mental states, which are considered unscientific
  • Why is it difficult to conclude the role of caregiver–infant interactions in the development of attachment?
    • cannot ever show cause and effect - ethically impossible to manipulate the amount of caregiver-infant interaction
    • extraneous factors - home environment / temperament = may have a long-term effect on attachment and cannot be controlled.