Affects the Amazon to be very wet - there is a lot of evaporation over the Atlantic Ocean, and the wet air is blown towards the Amazon, contributing to high rainfall
Has led to increased productivity in the Amazon rainforest because the vegetation is able to access more CO2 for photosynthesis, increasing the amount of biomass
It has been suggested that although trees are growing more quickly, they're also dying younger, so we may not be able to rely on the Amazon rainforest to continue to be such an effective carbonsink in the future
Reduces the rate of evapotranspiration, meaning less water vapour reaches the atmosphere, fewer clouds form and rainfall is reduced, increasing the risk of drought
Many of the effects of deforestation in the Amazon can lead to reduced vegetation growth, which can amplify changes to the water and carbon cycles, creating a positive feedback loop
Can severely impact tropical rainforests, with increasing temperatures and decreasing rainfall leading to drought, which can destroy large areas of forest and release lots of CO2 into the atmosphere
Scientists predict that a 4°C temperature rise could kill 85% of the Amazon rainforest, resulting in lots of carbon being released into the atmosphere as the dead material decomposes, and less carbondioxide being taken in from the air by trees for photosynthesis
Only some trees (e.g. just the oldest ones) are felled, with most left standing, which is less damaging to the forest than felling all the trees in an area
New trees are planted to replace the ones that are cut down, ensuring the same types of tree are planted to maintain the variety of trees and help the localcarbon and water cycles return to their initial state
Set up to protect rainforests, such as the Central Amazon Conservation Complex in Brazil, which protects biodiversity while allowing local people to use the forest in a sustainable way