Role of Father

Cards (17)

  • Role of fathers
    • Schaffer found 75% of infants had formed an attachment to their father by 18 months, suggesting an important role for fathers
    Fathers encourage more active play, which is thought to stimulate risk-taking behaviors
    If men take on the primary caregiver role, their interactional style becomes more sensitive and responsive like mothers
  • Theories arguing the mother's role cannot be replaced by the father may lead to stigmatization of single-father or two-father families, with economic implications
  • Geiger(1996)

    Found that playing with the father is more exciting and pleasurable for infants. This supports the view of the father as a playmate.
  • Hardy(1999) - poor primary caregiver

    Found that fathers are less able to detect low levels of distress in infants, so they may be unsuitable for the role of primary caregiver.
  • Lamb(1987) - good mood

    Found that infants seek the father when in a positive emotional state, so they want stimulation, not comfort. Also found that male main caregivers develop sensitive responsiveness quickly.
  • Belsky et al. (2009) - partner affect
    Found that father-infant attachments were more secure when marital intimacy was higher.
  • Traditional view of attachment
    • Mother-infant attachment
  • Attachment formation
    1. Majority of babies attached to mother first
    2. Formed secondary attachments to other family members, including the father
    3. 75% of infants studied formed attachment with father by 18 months
    4. Determined by infants protesting when fathers walked away
  • Fathers' role in attachment
    More to do with play and stimulation, and less to do with nurturing
  • Fathers as primary caregivers
    1. Adopt behaviours more typical of mothers
    2. Spent more time smiling, imitating and holding infants
  • Different researchers' interests
    Some interested in fathers as secondary attachment figures, others in fathers as primary attachment figures
  • Grossman study found

    Fathers as secondary attachment figures had an important role in their children's development
  • Children growing up in single or same-sex households do not develop differently than those in two-parent heterosexual households
  • Fathers tend not to become the primary attachment figure
    Could be due to traditional gender roles, or that female hormones create higher levels of nurturing
  • What percentage of babies have their fathers as the 1st sole figure?
  • Varissimo - role of the father?

    The quality of the relationship between father and toddler correlated with the number of friends they had a pre-school
    • Show father may encourage social skills
  • What did Paquette say about the role of the father?
    • fathers encourage children to take more risks during physical play and talk about it
    • mothers were found to structure their talk around emotional support to soothe and reassure the infant