A resistor in which the current is directly proportional to the potential difference at a constant temperature, so the resistance remains constant as the current changes
Useful where automatic light control or detection is needed, e.g. in dusk till dawn garden lights/street lights and in cameras/phones to determine if a flash is needed
The measure of how a component resists the flow of charge - the higher the resistance, the more difficult it is for charge to flow and the lower the current
The difference in electrical potential from one point in a circuit to another - the bigger the potential difference across a component, the greater the flow of charge through the component and the greater the current
The potential difference causes current to flow through the live and the neutral wires, the live wire carries the alternating potential from the supply, and the neutral wire completes the circuit
Increase the potential difference from the power station to the transmission cables, reducing the current and the heating effect, making the transmission more efficient
A property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electric field; electric current is the flow of charge; charge can be positive or negative and is measured in coulombs (C)