CGP Multi-Hazard Environment Case Study

Cards (11)

  • The Philippines is a Multi-Hazard Environment
  • Taal volcano erupted in 1990 killing over 1500 people
  • Mount Pinatubo erupted in 1991 and were killed and devastated
  • The Philippines has 10 tropical storms every year. They develop in the Pacific Ocean
  • In 2006 Typhoon Xangsane swept across Manila and the surrounding densely populated areas
  • Around 200 people died and the total cost of the tropical storm was over US $130 million
  • Despite the risk of disasters, the Philippines is quite densely populated, with around 340 people per km²
  • Communities
    • They have adapted to the risk of hazards, having experienced them before
    • They prepare for hazards e.g. by widening rivers near settlements to prevent flooding and by stockpiling food
    • This increases their own resilience
  • In the past, the focus for dealing with disasters was only available after the disaster occurred - this meant that the response was worse focused on reacting in a disaster that had happened, rather than trying to prevent or prepare for future disasters
  • Since 2007, the Philippines' approach to disasters has changed - the country is now working to increase large-scale resilience to disasters by adaptation, mitigation and management strategies
  • Strategies to increase resilience to disasters
    • Preventing people building in areas at high risk of disaster
    • Adapting new and existing buildings and other structures to cope with earthquakes
    • Building seawalls to reduce flood risk from tsunamis and tropical storms
    • Increasing public awareness of hazards and how to respond to them
    • Monitoring hazards and developing early warning systems so people in at-risk areas have time to prepare