organising plants

Cards (10)

  • how does temperature effect transpiration?
    higher temperature increases the rate of transpiration
  • why does temperature effect transpiration?
    water evaporates faster in higher temperature
  • how does humidity effect transpiration?
    lower humidity increases the rate of transpiration
  • why does humidity effect transpiration?
    the drier the air, the steeper the concentration gradient of water molecules between the air and leaf
  • how does wind speed effect the transpiration?
    more wind increases the rate of transpiration
  • why does wind speed effect transpiration?
    wind removes the water vapour quickly, maintaining a steep concentration gradient
  • how does light intensity effect transpiration?
    higher light intensity increases the rate of transpiration
  • why does light intensity effect transpiration?
    stomata open wider to let more carbon dioxide into the leaf for photosynthesis
  • define the term transpiration
    movement of water from the roots to the leaves through the xylem
  • give two purposes of transpiration
    1. provides water to cells for photosynthesis
    2. transports mineral ions to leaves